Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Why did she eat something that was nasty ?
2 She got one that 's , on one foot like .
3 ‘ There was something about the way she asked it that made me suspicious .
4 She promised me that she would come . ’
5 She promised herself that she could continue sobbing later on , after she had gone to bed in the billiard room .
6 It excited her and she promised herself that one day she would unravel the mystery .
7 She promised herself that she would keep in touch with them .
8 She promised herself that she would never mention the lady again .
9 She promised herself that she would try once more when she got to work .
10 She retained something that the Shah had never had — an ability to appear spontaneous and in touch .
11 She wished she had worn her new suit , but she consoled herself that at the moment he did n't care what she looked like .
12 Her credibility increased when she advised me that it did not really matter whether I believed in homeopathy or not .
13 Anne worried that Sarah would be upset , but she assured her that she was perfectly happy , and certainly seemed so .
14 She assured him that his apprehensions about her travelling late at night were quite unfounded : she and her sisters had been allowed to travel about unaccompanied in Southport and London since the age of twelve or thirteen .
15 Ive checked with my other half and she assured me that the info she passed on was from Sky and not made up !
16 And she believed me that it did n't match three piece suite or carpet and it was stupid , and that sh and she says what shall I do about them ?
17 So we go up and pick her up in Kensington , bring her back , she unpacks her bag and plonks herself down , she eats everything that 's put in front of her , and second helpings ,
18 At the start she is only so cruel as she is only Miss Havisham 's tool for revenge , and later she seems to have a little pity for Pip when she warns him that she has no heart .
19 A year or so later she told everyone that they must make an annual pilgrimage to that city , where she had a cousin in the catering trade who was prepared to give them all cheap rates , but by that time Rose was losing her grip on the faithful .
20 She told her that it had been suggested to her that she should remain behind to rest , but she did not consider her darling Thomas would have approved of this .
21 When she spoke to the old maid , she told her that she would be coming down in the morning .
22 So erm anyway she told her that she wanted Jay out .
23 She told me that she was eight years old , the eldest of six children , when the security men came to the army camp to arrest her father , an officer in the Moroccan army , in 1972 .
24 I had arranged to meet them at Salima 's house , but when I got there she told me that the other two were at Ruksana 's place .
25 She told me that Tony spent a lot of time making passes at her , but she was horrible flirtatious and very beautiful .
26 Then she told me that during the last winter , while I was in Sweden , my father had already had an attack , but they had not told me .
27 She told me that her fiancé had been killed in the war .
28 When I tried to say something , she told me that my turn would come up later , and there was a strict order for speaking .
29 As I stumbled along , she told me that the present appearance of the castle was in part the creation of the hotel people , who had joined two separate buildings together .
30 She told me that the previous year she had confided to an American friend in Rome that the two people who most fascinated her in the world were Albert Schweitzer and Herbert von Karajan ; and a year later she was sitting in an empty hall with Walter Legge , Elisabeth Schwarzkopf , and Herbert von Karajan listening to a private recital on the organ by Albert Schweitzer .
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