Example sentences of "she [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She alerts the reader in her introduction to what she finds offensive in these genteel concoctions of tea and adultery : … if a comic charlady obtrudes upon the action of a real novel , I will fling the novel against the wall amidst a flood of obscenities because the presence of such a character as a comic charlady tells me more than I wish to know about the way her creator sees the world .
2 Maria 's heart clenched as she slanted a look at his grim countenance .
3 ‘ Perhaps I can stay here , ’ she whispered an entreaty .
4 She goes every evening to the post , ’ and they began to laugh again at what they saw as a mocking mirror of their own flowering .
5 and er , like she said are n't you Vicky and she goes no miss , mm , you ca n't be a nurse till your eighteen
6 And she goes no Miss .
7 goes out in Kings Cross and sh , men walk , a man walks past she goes the man goes Aargh aargh !
8 Her eyes rounded and she hugged every scrap of blanket she could around her body , making a barrier to his hot eyes .
9 With clenched teeth , keeping her head low and her eyes half-closed , she hugged the cliff-face and inched her way along .
10 She hugged the child to her .
11 Fielding it with one hand , she sobered , and , putting her glass down on the fender , she hugged the cushion on her knees .
12 She hugged the girder .
13 She threads the Monster back into the high chair where it stiffens , collapses forward , stiffens again , slides down to the crutch-stop and lies there half under the tray , flailing its arms and legs like a crab on its back … and howling — howling like the hell-sent creature it is .
14 Quickly she stowed the silver away , put up the lampshade and left the others on the table .
15 It was a measure of Cecilia 's character that , unlike most people , she experienced no schadenfreude about this , felt no secret pleasure in the superiority of her circumstances over her friend 's , but sincerely regretted Daphne 's inferior home and reduced income .
16 Britain therefore experienced a credit squeeze in the early 1990s during a period of recession in much the same way — and for much the same reasons — that she experienced a credit boom during the period of growth and ‘ overheating ’ in the mid-1980s .
17 Carol , aged 29 and a first-time mother , was induced just four days before her baby 's due date because she experienced a rise in her blood pressure .
18 She experienced a sense of detachment before cutting herself , and the act seemed to relieve feelings of anxiety and tension which usually arose from problems in her relationship with her boyfriend .
19 As she sat there , she experienced a sense of what seemed to be preternatural power .
20 With a good heavy hot iron , it would stop belling out here and there , she thought , and she experienced a flash of pleasure at the quickness and deftness of her work .
21 Now , standing beside Fernand in the mouth of a gash in the cliff , with the river raging beneath their feet and an ink-dark cavern ahead , she experienced a tingle of awe and anticipation that swept away the fear and the vertigo .
22 She experienced a lot of pain and perhaps always would ; her privations may have damaged her health permanently .
23 And to be his was what she wanted — which made it such a nonsense that when , as he caressed his hands over her naked behind and then pulled her to him , that as her body came into contact with the pure maleness of him , she experienced a moment of totally unexpected panic .
24 She experienced the pull of her blood into his mouth like threads of silk drawn up from her vein .
25 But soon she experienced the misery of the lonely wife , staying at a Bel Air mansion , coping with two babies and playing tennis when she could to fill the void .
26 She turns the Government 's self-help approach around by arguing that urban recovery will only be achieved by empowering the people who live in cities .
27 She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her , twisting and turning in a sparkling , spinning column .
28 Then Susan comes in , and when she has put down the tray she is carrying , she turns the light on beside his chair and draws the curtains so that the room becomes a series of pools of light , isolating each of us .
29 She turns the sound down .
30 When she admitted the affair to Matthew , hoping for a display of anger or jealousy , he meekly apologised for not being good enough for her and promised to try harder in future .
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