Example sentences of "she [verb] down into " in BNC.

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1 She got down into the hall .
2 She peered down into the water but was aware only of her own reflection and that of the branches of the beech trees .
3 Lifting it , she peered down into the blackness below , feeling the first rung of a rickety ladder as she dangled her foot into the yawning gap .
4 She sank down into a chair and watched as Craig knelt before the fire , building it back into a glowing warmth .
5 When the carriage was out of sight , she sank down into a chair and put her hands over her face .
6 She sank down into the smooth embrace of the sheets , at peace .
7 Gaining the peaceful emptiness of her mother 's large sitting-room , with its windows overlooking the spectacular view over the water to Fort St Angelo , she sank down into one of the green chintz sofas and took stock of herself .
8 Our beamy Bénéteau made a lot of noise as she slammed down into the troughs before climbing the next steep wave .
9 She climbed down into the dark .
10 When I went the receptionist was just leaving and she walked down into the town with me .
11 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
12 Galvanised into action by the very idea , she rose abruptly to her feet , striving to keep her expression impassive as she glanced down into Candy 's surprised eyes .
13 At that point , she broke down into laughter ; low , wild laughter , that could be heard in the rooms above .
14 All of a sudden , she whined something about me not knowing what I had done and she broke down into tears .
15 and she sinks down into her incontinence .
16 Somehow she scrambled down into the hollow and landed on her knees by Fand .
17 As she settled down into the squashy leather upholstery of the nest-like sofa she listened with half an ear to the voices on the tape , each caller seemingly convinced that disaster would intervene if Luke did n't call them back immediately .
18 She stared down into her drink .
19 Wrenching her gaze from his still face , she stared down into her cup .
20 She stared down into her sherry glass , a confusion of warmth mounting inside her .
21 She stared down into her glass .
22 When she looked down into the channel with Gazzer and saw Simon , water swilling round his waist , she could hardly believe that she was responsible .
23 She looked down into his little near-sighted eyes , full of tears behind the thick lenses .
24 She looked down into her mother 's eyes and read the pain and fear in them .
25 Gripping the bannister , she looked down into the hall and saw him standing with his back to the door , looking about him as though wondering if he would find her there .
26 As she looked down into that face on which all tears had long since dried , Louisa had the deranging sensation that she was in the presence of a dying woman .
27 She looked down into her drink and answered evasively , ‘ I suppose I could have gone back to Darlington , but I preferred to stay down here . ’
28 She looked down into her beer .
29 Not realising how clearly she could be seen against the light , she looked down into the courtyard .
30 She looked down into his face with its hard dark lines .
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