Example sentences of "she [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hosanna , ’ she whispered into the street .
2 ‘ Lincolnshire , really , though we live in London now , ’ she whispered into the darkness .
3 ‘ We 've done it , ’ she whispered into the little cave made by her fingers .
4 ‘ Goodbye , my love , ’ she whispered into the silence .
5 But when she goes into the economics of food , admits the ‘ luxury ’ of aesthetic choice , and gets John Berger off the charge of ‘ bourgeois pastoral ’ or ‘ the consolatory celebration of a fictive rusticity ’ , you have a writer for whom politics was never a mere function of style .
6 The young woman feels curiously as though she is only playing at house once more when she goes into the first flat or home that she can truly call her own .
7 As she goes into the election , she will be helped by the stronger economy .
8 But her pouch has a muscle around its mouth which contracts like a draw-string and shuts so tightly when she goes into the water that her young are in no danger of drowning .
9 Go that way so if she goes into the Hea the Health Centre and says , you know that she 's from Hill
10 All eyes will be on Vina Buller today as she goes into the final showjumping phase in the lead of the National Championship sponsored by Heineken at Punchestown in Co Kildare .
11 She goes into the loo … and he never sees her again .
12 She goes into the loo … and he never sees her again .
13 There are hints , there are passages here and there where she goes into the present tense .
14 So she goes into the church .
15 She plunged into the sea , grateful for the buoyancy of the salt water , then decided to push herself , swam the width of the cove six times and stumbled out onto the sand , shivering .
16 She plunged into the crowds , who had turned out in their thousands to greet her , as though she had been doing it all her life .
17 She plunged into the noise as into a tank of water .
18 The child 's grandmother was screaming for help after becoming bogged down in mud when she plunged into the water after the youngster .
19 With one last glance along the empty street she plunged into the blackness , treading warily on the soles of her training shoes .
20 It was a lame apology , but as she plunged into the cooler shadow of the house she knew she 'd used the first excuse which sprang to mind .
21 Without thinking , she plunged into the mob , caught hold of the leather-worker and tried to drag him away from his assailants .
22 She was n't quick enough to let go and it overbalanced her and she plunged into the water next to him .
23 I used to take bass for granted , because I did n't really understand it , but having been around Sara I 've got a much deeper appreciation for the way she fits into the rhythm section and comes up with lines that move around underneath the melody .
24 She stalked into the teachers ' room and returned with her cane .
25 Her smile , as she gazed into the camera , was wry and mocking , as though it amused her to find herself in the traditional pose of a mother .
26 She gazed into the darkness , eyes dry and burning .
27 She seemed to be talking to herself as she gazed into the fire .
28 She gazed into the distance and spoke as though reciting a lesson .
29 Joseph noticed that she avoided passing close to the iron grilles closing off the between-deck areas of the ship and when she reached the stern she gazed into the jungle for a moment , then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the gentle warmth of the morning sun .
30 She gazed into the middle distance .
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