Example sentences of "she [verb] got [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Could anybody ring and tell us what she has got on the washing line .
2 She has got in ( and out of ) problems with drugs , alcohol and a quasi-religious cult : ’ I was brainwashed and I gave them an enormous amount of money , ’ she says with a shrug .
3 No , but she has got like , it 's that it 's dark ginger .
4 Perhaps she was frightened that she 'd got ta
5 She 'd got through a call to him on the radio-phone that Kaptan was safe .
6 Cal must have told her there was Nothing In It , I just felt sorry for him , she 'd got to be kind and take him in , only for a night .
7 But she 'd got to have her family backing , I mean er , in fact she 'd got to really be middle class , at least ,
8 She was determined not to lose her temper , at least until she 'd got to the bottom of the riddle , but his apparent attempt at playing God with her life infuriated her .
9 She re-read the previous page , but by the time she 'd got to the bottom again it made as little sense as it had the first time .
10 She could use the sugar she 'd got for building bricks for a new shed I reckon , the amount she 'd got there .
11 The rain was still battering down she noted , and from the sound of it even heavier than when she 'd got into bed .
12 One of the girls in the company , ever such a nice little thing she was , she thought she 'd got into trouble ; well , I could 've told her she would , the way she was going on — actors — you would n't believe !
13 She 'd got into a lot of trouble over many little things , for instance , her clothes in the changing room were being thrown down in a pool of water , and was soaking wet , she had to take them to matron to be dried , matron was cross .
14 Once she 'd got over her natural disgust , she 'd found it stimulated a weird , perverse feeling of being naughty , like a child playing in a lavatory .
15 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
16 I thought she 'd got over being ashamed of me , but now she looks at me with contemptuous pity .
17 ‘ We had a good laugh about it once she 'd got over the shock .
18 ‘ Peter , ’ said Sarella when she 'd got over the shock of what he 'd just said , ‘ surely you do n't imagine we can go on with this charade any longer ? ’
19 As soon as she 'd got over one pregnancy she was in it again was n't she ?
20 and she 'd got in touch with him .
21 She came along sedately in the middle of the night in complete confidence , the umbrella raised and perfect , with a look of absolute bliss on her face to show her mother what she had got for a present .
22 She could see that she had got to it at last .
23 When the development officer realised ‘ that she had got to such a low ebb ’ she put in a paid worker for a regular two hours per week .
24 At first interview she said the strain of looking after her mother-in-law was considerable , that it was putting a strain on her marriage in that she and her husband were always quarrelling these days , and that she had got to the point when ‘ I feel I ca n't go on any longer ’ .
25 She had got to the top of the ladder before she remembered to ask : ‘ What did they do to th'hands ? ’
26 It was several minutes before he had found the courage to ask her how she had got to the beach .
27 It was as if she was checking over her life , wondering where she had got to .
28 We were on holiday in the Aegean when I was getting better from this talking thing and she was reading Crime and Punishment , and I used to watch her toes and wonder which part she had got to .
29 She had got to the point where , if Lili had announced a passion for sun-kissed babies , she would have said she found them over-rated .
30 He glimpsed the short white-haired figure heading for the back gate but did not say so until much later when Merlyn asked where she had got to .
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