Example sentences of "she [vb past] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She whispered with alliterative relish :
2 It roused her violently by its unexpectedness , and she made no protest when his arms went round her and he kissed her with a force and a recklessness that she met with equal need .
3 But here , for once , she met with strong unexpected opposition .
4 They are an invaluable source for women 's health problems in this period , especially the ‘ dangerous perils ’ of childbirth , and movingly discuss the traumas of the early deaths of children , which she met with resigned submission to the will of God .
5 She read with great attention , few dues escaped her , and it was with a suppressed little scream of excitement and fear that this large , lonely girl would guess the murderer three or four chapters before the end .
6 She read with bright-eyed relish .
7 Dr Penry Vaughan , she realised with deep misgiving , was pro tem the only other person in her entire world , and , like it or not , he was doomed to play Adam to her Eve until her memory deigned to function again .
8 She was caught between a rock and a hard place here , she realised with grim humour .
9 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she burst out hoarsely and started to fight in deadly earnest , slapping and scratching at him , little cries of panic coming from the back of her throat as her mind flashed back into full operation and she realised with sick fear just how close she had come to the edge .
10 She gazed with wide eyes at the nearest cows , who stared back with large , liquid eyes at her — and did n't move an inch !
11 Puzzled at first on noticing the familiar shape of Windmill Hill broken by another small , moving outline , she gazed with heightened interest as semaphore signals began to be spelled out from the ridge against the background of the sky .
12 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
13 ‘ And this is the owner of Crystal Springs — my father , ’ she announced with childish pomp .
14 She registered with vague surprise that she was somehow becoming acclimatised to the unsettling feel of his hands on her body …
15 ‘ You have a way of stopping me ? ’ she asked with cool cynicism , fighting down a wild desire to laugh hysterically .
16 Joan , you say ? ’ she asked with raised eyebrows .
17 ‘ Trends of this nature do n't simply happen , do they ? ’ she asked with feigned innocence .
18 ‘ You mean your aunt 's jewellery ? ’ she asked with stunned disbelief .
19 ‘ What 's the matter ? ’ she asked with swift acidity , as Melissa 's mouth sagged for a fraction of a second because of the unexpected ferocity of her reply .
20 ‘ I do n't suppose we 'll come to anything , would you say ? ’ she asked with restrained politeness .
21 ‘ If he 's so untrustworthy then how is it that you know him ? ’ she asked with shaky triumph .
22 ‘ Is there anything I can do ? ’ she asked with deliberate ambiguity .
23 ‘ The garden ? ’ she asked with angry incredulity .
24 I am sure that the making of puppets with empty cones is not unique , but my daughter-in-law Johanna created the delightful ‘ little people ’ in the enclosed photograph as a project for a recent examination — needless to add she passed with flying colours !
25 And she passed with flying colours She 's been driving for years apparently but she had to take a test .
26 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
27 ‘ Splendid ! ’ she exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm .
28 ‘ Good place to bury the bodies , ’ she joked with black humour .
29 It was my unhappy duty to break the news of her son 's death , which she bore with great fortitude .
30 Despite robe and boots she moved with graceful speed , and without any flicker of fear .
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