Example sentences of "she [vb past] away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes glittered , and , mouth twisting , she flung away from him .
2 Spinning on her heel , she stalked away with her head in the air .
3 She stalked away from the front door and it closed softly behind him .
4 She preferred laughter and skylarks to solid endeavour and while she could be noisy she shied away from being the centre of attention .
5 She shied away from architectural accuracy — she could have a gingerbread house if it was her ideal .
6 She wondered whether she should ring Bridget — she still had n't spoken to her since leaving Oxford on Monday morning — but , with Jamie 's visit imminent , she shied away from the thought .
7 Instinctively she shied away from that idea , and accepted then that this interview business was nowhere near as easy as Cara had made out that it would be .
8 But she shied away from the idea .
9 She got away with bloody three or four CD 's last week .
10 And so Lucy said , ‘ Well … she got away from all this . ’
11 Once she got away from lingerie interest flagged and Rain found herself puzzling over something which had been said before the speeches began .
12 The faster she got away from him the better , for her sanity if nothing else .
13 He handed down the cane and the bicycle lamp and she waded away into the shadows as the curious faces of the villagers , the anxious face of her father , peered down at her .
14 ‘ She received a very serious wound to the stomach and two slashes to her arm , apparently inflicted as she staggered away after the first attack .
15 As he did so , she moved away with a look of distaste on her face .
16 Fiona Allison was the main designer of our banners and since she moved away in 1989 there has not been a group — you ca n't call one person a group !
17 With another little smile , she moved away in search of her future , if temporary guide .
18 She moved away in front of them .
19 Henry had always assumed that this was due , on her part , to an entirely natural physical repugnance for him ; she moved away from him as one might move away from a bad smell or a dangerous horse .
20 Thanks to her ‘ habits ’ the job did n't last long , and she moved away from Sheffield in 1960 , sending a note to say she 'd keep in touch .
21 She moved away from the mirror and walked slowly to the door , she would eat her supper , make pleasant conversation with her landlady and then return to her room .
22 He started to put his arm round Nancy 's waist and reached some of the way towards her mouth before she moved away from him .
23 As she moved away from him , the reason became clear .
24 She moved away from the window .
25 As she moved away from the pavement , a black BMW slowed down and drew abreast of them .
26 Purposefully , she moved away from him , determined to put some distance between them .
27 She moved away from him and went over to the couch she had taken her ease in the last time she 'd been in this room .
28 She headed away into tall grass , hid the baby and came back to the boat for the return trip to Tiger Haven .
29 She drew away to the balcony over the lobby , feeling incapable , looking down at the bawling men in dinner jackets far below and the women with stiff hair .
30 The wash of waves on the pebbled beach , the crying and calling of the wheeling gulls , the silver chain of sound from a lark above the cliff-top , and , as a final coda , the distant , breathy note of the ferry 's siren as she drew away towards the west .
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