Example sentences of "she [vb past] been [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It looked as if she 'd been up in the loft for something , which I suppose was rather rash in her state of health .
2 I found her bustling about with a feather duster looking as if she 'd been up for hours .
3 ‘ Luci Hayter looked as if she 'd been up every night for a week .
4 The soles of her feet and the then they knew she 'd been up on her feet you know .
5 Every morning since she 'd been here , apart from today , she 'd been up bright and early to see Kirsty off to school .
6 They had been very busy , she 'd been up early , and she felt sleepy .
7 She had to decide before she saw her parents again if she should confess all that she 'd been up to .
8 so erm tt so anyway Saturday we gets to Durham , she 's says oh your Alex was just been on phone , she 'd , she 'd been up to school to do a hockey match
9 So he did n't know what she 'd been up to .
10 Er , she 'd been up there sometimes .
11 Oh she 'd been up to Pearks
12 she 'd been up to Scotland
13 What a marvellous constitution she must have to remember that after all she 'd been through !
14 And after all she 'd been through .
15 It was mean , especially after all she 'd been through .
16 But mostly it was directed towards herself , and whatever it was in her that seemed to respond to some call given out by the least suitable of men ; despite what she 'd been through in the past couple of years she appeared to have learned precisely nothing .
17 The police had been convinced it was a genuine accident that took his life ( and that of his mistress ) but after what she 'd been through , after what she had discovered , Donna could not believe that men willing to kill for the possession of a book had not taken the life of the man she 'd loved .
18 A result of all the strain she 'd been through , she thought distractedly , groping for her handkerchief .
19 She 'd been out ten minutes , fifteen at the most .
20 And I says er you know when I came back from Rio de Janeiro , she 'd been out as a kiddy then .
21 She 'd been out with an earlier crew .
22 So she 'd been out all day to this cousin 's at Blakely She goes on a Monday now .
23 Oh she knew the bloke , she 'd be she 'd been out with him a few times before right , he 's , he 's not a bad bloke but like I said like I said erm but he 's respect for her I said to her
24 And she and she she 'd been out she would n't come out
25 It appeared that for two years after the wrist-slashing incident she 'd been in and out of mental hospital .
26 The other night she 'd been in with him .
27 No no she 'd erm she 'd been in , hundred and fifty three , Hick again .
28 Her heart seemed to go climbing up inside her chest , but it was n't till Jake 's hand clamped over her mouth again that she realized she 'd been about to scream .
29 And what 's more , if she 'd been about in your time , instead of that man , nice little Neville Chamberlain , she 'd have given your old Hitler a few right-handers below the belt ; and seen to it that Britain was armed to the teeth , with an airforce twice the size of the Luftwaffe instead of a few old men with pitch forks and a handful of plucky chaps like yourself to keep the Nazis out .
30 ‘ But I really must before I go — ’ She 'd been about to say ‘ home ’ but substituted ‘ back ’ instead .
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