Example sentences of "she [vb past] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But they were in her voice as she whispered down to her , ‘ It , 11 be all right .
2 Tilda appeared with a ball of oozing clay in her arms which she flung down on the table .
3 Yes I well remember er I use when I was staying down at Trimley there was erm a lady there who worked in the Billeting Department , who ca who herself was evacuated from London and er , I used to catch the same bus with her but she never would speak to me , erm and erm one morning er she lived down at Curton and one morning they had some erm er German planes over Curton and they were doing some machine gunning and that sort of thing and erm and we met at the bus stop and she was full of it and erm that sort of broke the ice it was
4 There was a lump in her throat as she gazed down on the gaunt features .
5 She gazed down at the London horizon , its tranquillity pierced by hulks of office buildings .
6 His moist mouth suckled , and when she gazed down at his rapt , contented face she knew that she was lost to him .
7 As she gazed down at it her heart missed a beat .
8 She gazed down at the floor despondently .
9 As she gazed down at where his car waited in pole position , Celeste 's giggles had changed into a pout .
10 For a long moment they lay and she gazed down at him , their eyes locked .
11 Her tattered shirt and ancient denims in no way detracted from her tall decorum as she gazed down upon the squat clerical figure .
12 Once or twice when she crept down to the turn in the stairs to see if it was safe to go and get something to eat , she was scared back by the murmur of unfamiliar voices , and saw three or four bicycles parked in the hall , leaning together with their pedals tangled in each others ' spokes , forming an intricate barrier to outside .
13 She got down on hands and knees to sweep away crumbs , and in the gaslight she looked paler than ever .
14 She got down on the floor and ran her arm under the bookcase .
15 ‘ Azor ! ’ she crooned , and , feeling a need to touch , to stroke the animal who had a part in Ven 's life , she got down on her haunches to make a fuss of the dog .
16 It was high time she got down to serious thought about her doctorate .
17 ‘ I expect Lubor is busy beavering away back in his office ? ’ she asked as a warm-up question before she got down to basics — and immediately wished that she had n't because at once Ven 's expression darkened , and as he raised an aristocratic eyebrow she knew instantly that all affability was gone .
18 She got down into the hall .
19 She got down from the jeep , straightened her dress and headed back towards the barn .
20 She hopped down to the floor , but it seemed further away than she had expected and now suddenly it was rising up crazily to meet her .
21 She was still sick at heart when she passed down through the last glade and found herself staring at the Lodge 's covert thatch , its closed door , She stood for a time in the yard outside , afraid to enter .
22 She beamed down at him and ruffled his hair .
23 As she bent down over the fire , her nose-ring and the silver coins of her necklace glinted fiercely .
24 She bent down to him and he touched her cheek briefly .
25 She peered down into the water but was aware only of her own reflection and that of the branches of the beech trees .
26 Lifting it , she peered down into the blackness below , feeling the first rung of a rickety ladder as she dangled her foot into the yawning gap .
27 ‘ Mummy will be cross , ’ she murmured , wrinkling her nose as she peered down at the long tear .
28 As she peered down at him she saw him pause and look quickly round .
29 She peered down at it , noting that a white smock , like a hospital gown , clothed her from throat to ankles .
30 She peered down at the dark water in the basin below .
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