Example sentences of "she [vb past] to he " in BNC.

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1 Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public , but she had no such reservations as far as her son was concerned , and hugged him tight , choking on her words as she whispered to him to take care of himself .
2 ‘ You looked so regal , they did n't bother about me , ’ she whispered to him .
3 ‘ I love it when you do that … ’ she whispered to him one day as they made love , and he laughed softly , looking down at her , such warmth in his face that her heart stopped and her smile faded .
4 Daughter of the Queen Igrayne and half-sister to King Arthur , she revealed to him the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere by giving him a magic draught which opened his eyes to the perfidy .
5 If she got to him , she would never have to worry again , never have to want again .
6 As soon as she got to him , she would be his .
7 By the time she got to him , he looked impatient , like a man far too accustomed to everyone in the world dropping whatever they were doing to look after his needs first .
8 He dumped his kitbag and led her to an armchair , but she clung to him in a state of possessive disbelief which upset Charles even more than the deep depression he 'd been suffering from when he entered the flat .
9 Pilade came stumbling out to greet her and she clung to him , crushing him to her and stroking his hair and crooning to him .
10 They trailed over her neck to create almost unbearable delight , and she clung to him .
11 He stumbled up and she clung to him .
12 She clung to him , arms round his neck , her face hidden in his shoulder , like a child afraid of a storm .
13 He had expected her denial but she clung to him saying , ‘ But not enough , Harry .
14 She clung to him , and his mouth found hers , and she tasted as fresh and as new as the morning , and desire had exploded within him , and he thought that after all he had been wrong : once would never be sufficient , he wanted her for always , he wanted to be with her , to share everything with her .
15 She clung to him and laughed a little through her sobs , and he said : ‘ We shall float away on a tide of your tears if you 're not careful .
16 She sought his mouth again , wrapping her arms around his neck , offering and receiving a kiss so fierce , impatient and demanding that she clung to him and she lost her balance , fell against him , felt him gather her up against the inflammatory hardness of his body and lift her on to the bed .
17 She clung to him , and they stopped in the middle of the pavement , with the rain falling all round , its liquid percussion in drains , in gutters , on trees , on the umbrella , the only sounds .
18 She clung to him hard , she loved him and could never leave him .
19 She clung to him , vaguely aware of movement and soft rustling .
20 She clung to him , terrified — furious because he was showing her that he was in total command of the situation .
21 They came to a lurching pontoon , where she clung to him in excitement , her eyes enormous at the sight of four enormous man-sized earwigs calmly waiting for the ferryboat .
22 She clung to him , every inch of her throbbing with desire .
23 Instinctively she clung to him , indifferent to everything but the powerful clamouring of her heart , the vibrant response of her senses to the sweet pleasure of his nearness .
24 A mumbled , incoherent sound bubbled and surfaced in her throat , and she clung to him for support , her fingers twisting in the silk of his shirt .
25 Her passion leapt to meet his , and she clung to him , her mouth dragging on his in a meeting so inflamed that she almost lost consciousness as dizziness swept through her brain .
26 She clung to him , dazed , her heart pounding , her breath coming raggedly from between slightly swollen lips , her legs barely supporting her .
27 She clung to him , their mouths drinking hectically from one another , their harsh breathing mingled ; moved with him , her slim legs clamped round his waist , climbed with him higher and higher into some fierce and unimagined realm of pleasure .
28 She clung to him while he held himself hard and poised over her for a moment , and then he parted her qivering thighs , slipping himself high inside her as naturally as a silver shoehorn easing on a silk slipper .
29 Afterwards she clung to him , the tears wet on her cheeks , and for a long time they lay together in silence as the light of the October evening faded around them .
30 Head spinning , she clung to him , shuddering with emotion .
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