Example sentences of "she [vb past] be there " in BNC.

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1 I want to find out how long she 'd been there . ’
2 I mean , you were n't even sure she 'd been there at all . ’
3 She 'd been there and come back , and been again .
4 She was aware of a past neither of them had spoken of much — at least , not while she 'd been there .
5 She 'd been there two days and was running out of money .
6 " Lust " as Lindsey would have said if she 'd been there .
7 If she 'd been there , no matter how quietly , someone would remember .
8 Her parents had sent her to the convent , and she begged them to let her become a Catholic after she 'd been there only a year .
9 She 'd been there at the time he 'd wanted a woman .
10 In fact , she was n't even sure she 'd told Rohan she knew where the tower was located , let alone that she 'd been there .
11 She 'd been there for less than two weeks when her employers discovered she has leukaemia .
12 I did n't even notice that , but I did notice her across the road at Mrs and know so right she 'd been there I just did n't notice where she went , but I heard the bell ring and I could see this anorak through there and me mind thought Mrs , perhaps it 's Mrs but then when I saw this this lady well I just did n't know what to think really .
13 How long she had been there , we could not be sure , for if she sat with head and tail aligned along the wall , she was invisible from below , and only when she turned sideways did she come into view .
14 She had been there about a week when I learnt of her arrival through a friend and went to visit her .
15 She understood his grief and his sense of loss and loneliness — she had been there herself , after the King 's death — and she knew about the feelings of despair and the long , long time the scars would take to heal , but she also knew about the importance of carrying on .
16 He wondered how she had come there , and how long she had been there , and what her voice would be like , and a thousand other ridiculous things , whilst she breathed in and out , ruffling the gold threads of hair .
17 When she had been there for about six weeks she received the Medical Superintendent 's recommendation for her bravery .
18 Over in the corner behind a gigantic desk sat this old bird who looked as though she had been there since Marie Stopes was pre-pubescent .
19 She had been there before and was very tolerant of the young man plying her with questions .
20 However long she had been there , the whole stretch was a dingy aching trail of work and beatings .
21 She was not sure how long she had been there , or how long she might have remained , had she not been disturbed .
22 When she had been there a couple of years and I asked her how she was , she said , ‘ Pretty mouldy . ’
23 The first thing , he decided , was to check out Riverstown in case she had been there first .
24 She had no idea how long she had been there when a movement in the undergrowth made her look up .
25 As they had passed by Du Cane Road , where the entrance to Wormwood Scrubs prison was , she had been reminded of how many times she had been there , visiting either her husband or one of the older boys .
26 He was too young to remember when it had been a school , though his mother could , she had been there as a pupil .
27 But after that seemingly unpropitious start , Topaz settled into the routine at Yelton as if she had been there all her life .
28 She had been there .
29 She was certain MacQuillan had not gone to the bar because she had been there all the time until then .
30 Then they were in the flat , the first time she had been there since leaving Oliver typing his letter the previous morning .
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