Example sentences of "she [vb past] [coord] look " in BNC.

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1 She straightened and looked up at him , at the wind in his hair .
2 She stopped and looked at the garden ; inside the square was a circle of flower beds .
3 She stopped and looked at him .
4 She stopped and looked at Shirley .
5 She stopped and looked at the other three who were scrutinising her in amused silence .
6 Finally , exhausted , she stopped and looked up .
7 In the hall , she stopped and looked about her .
8 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
9 Where the lawn ended she stopped and looked out across the bay , scanning the water for any sign of life .
10 When the woman reached the centre of the bridge , she stopped and looked around anxiously .
11 She stopped and looked at him .
12 ‘ Also — ’ She stopped and looked up , and Snodgrass said , ‘ Someone 's coming . ’
13 She was borne away from the lights , and on the stretch of darker pavement , she stopped and looked all round .
14 She stopped and looked at him delightedly .
15 She stopped and looked full face into the mirror , as if , among the distorted outlines of the bar she was standing in as it stretched far into the mirror-room that swallowed it up and pulled it into strange shapes , she was looking for something not apparent in the real room .
16 When she got to the large graph that shows the state of the church-roof appeal , she stopped and looked down at the waiting crowds as if she was a victorious politician looking down on her compliant voters .
17 But once inside the consulting room she stopped and looked towards the desk behind which was sitting a strange man , a young man .
18 She stopped and looked to the side , and when she did n't continue , he said , ‘ He 's tried to commit suicide ? ’
19 Franz pulled Therese 's arm through his and began to lead her up the track towards the car park , but she stopped and looked back .
20 ‘ I know , ’ she replied and looked at him without smiling .
21 She turned and looked at me .
22 On the mezzanine again , she turned and looked back , down into the conservatory .
23 She turned and looked at him , and her face lit up joyously , and George looked at Ian and tried to keep his own face expressionless .
24 She turned and looked towards Nigger , who was standing in the doorway talking to one of the locals he knew .
25 She turned and looked at him , then sat up with a gasp of dismay .
26 She turned and looked up at Joe , and he , smiling now , said , ‘ I 'm always willing to please . ’
27 The child stared towards it as if in recognition of something held in memory ; then she turned and looked at the old woman , who was sitting on the couch unlacing her boots , and she said , ‘ You have a garden . ’
28 She wrote her name on the form ; then , as the wardress motioned her forward , she turned and looked at Aggie and the child , and with a quick gesture she thrust out her hands towards them .
29 She turned and looked towards the house door .
30 But — ’ She turned and looked at Aggie as she ended slowly , ‘ But it was n't like the house we had in Durham .
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