Example sentences of "which [is] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I am a member of a multi-disciplinary group which is considering undertaking an audit of children with learning difficulties who have challenging behaviour .
2 Can I just say that er Ray phoned me up the other day and he said er , would you be prepared to take part in probationers ' , er regional probationary sort of training day er which is at coming up er in a few months time , to give erm presentation skills er I part of what we were doing , erm but just those O H Ps that we did on that part .
3 Absolutely not , I think there 's a strong sense in the Party that moving forward with our traditional values , that what we have to do is to apply those traditional values to a very changed world , things are very different now from when the Labour Party was formed , or even from when the Labour Party was last in government , so that we keep our sense of values , they are what grounds us , but what makes us an effective government in the future is the fact that we are moving forward with the times , and the increasing representation of women is one of the things which is about moving us forward , and moving with the times .
4 Familiar with , which is basically the piece of legislation , which is still in force now and still a major problem for us , which is about getting Council Rent 's up to the level of private sector rent 's and forcing Council 's to do that .
5 But equally there is the option of differentiation , which is about setting oneself apart from the norm , not simply to criticize and condemn it but to set up an alternative and different model .
6 ‘ I like the open style , which is about using the ball , and Wigan have the players of flair to accommodate that type of game . ’
7 Half the stuff on the album is about growing up in Birmingham in the '70s but half of it is about '90s subjects like ‘ Livin' On The Streets ’ and ‘ Fish And Chips ’ , which is about going to clubs .
8 There 's a song , ‘ Bright Lights ’ , which is about doing what you want , outside of the realms of what you were programmed to do and the inner process of achieving those goals ’
9 If I could lead you from that paragraph on page three fifty over to page three six four page three six four , one two three , four paragraphs from the top it 's ab it 's the second of two paragraphs that begins the Board affirms the church 's th that Christ teaches that marriage is special and divorce is not the way he would wish for his people and then this sentence no-one would wish to condens condemn someone to stay in a marriage which is beyond redeeming .
10 The Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 , would have included in the present s14(2) of SGA 1979 and its equivalent provisions under SOGIT 1973 ( as substituted by Sched 4 to CCA 1974 ) and the SGSA 1982 , the following provision which is worth setting out in full since it received Government approval and is likely to be re-introduced in the near future : ( 2A ) For the purposes of this Act , goods are of satisfactory quality if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory , taking account of any description of the goods , the price ( if relevant ) and all the other relevant circumstances .
11 Jupiter is the planet of increase , which is worth considering not in terms of financial and material improvements but in the expansion of your awareness and self-understanding — an expansion which will lead to better things in the future .
12 However , there is an interesting and well developed literature which is worth considering in its own right , namely the application of the arbiter model to explain the existence of authoritarian regimes under capitalism .
13 Yes , yes , I mean we 've , we 've sort of talked about it but not done very much about it , Communicado of course is based on the Lyceum which is something which is worth knowing , erm
14 This is illustrated in Knight v Fellick [ 1977 ] RTR 316 ( which is worth reading ) .
15 Probably the most useful recent equivalent is Clutton-Brock and Albon 's Red Deer in the Highlands , while a short summary is in Clutton-Brock and Ball , Rum , the Natural History of an Island — a book which is worth studying for the interplay of how things affect each other .
16 Discussion about the nature of the state will follow below but there is a body of literature about the nature and form of the pressures on the state from the base in contemporary capitalism which is worth noting here .
17 In an affidavit , which is worth quoting at length — if only because information of this kind is so rare from the pen of a security officer — Massiter stated :
18 Byrne move from Bohs ( my team ) to Rovers durning the summer which is like moving from Elland Road to the scum .
19 Jip and Zab 's father claims that computer logic , unlike human logic , ‘ ca n't cope with a word used in a figurative sense , or with humour , which depends on wordplay , which is like assigning two values to a character ’ ( 87 ) .
20 Second , he has a rare and profound understanding of how to relate the exigencies of budgets to the exigencies of opera production ( which is like relating fire to water ) .
21 Neutrinos are hard to detect : they interact so little with matter that they can probably float through entire galaxies without being affected ; they exist but have no mass nor any other physical property , which is like saying that they simultaneously exist and do not exist .
22 Worse , if you have an astute sub-editor , or even a conscious one , he/she has a tendency to write all over your nice clean copy with a felt-tip , which is like having people tread on your geraniums .
23 But perhaps their greatest weakness is that they are heavily dependent on trust , a commodity which is in diminishing supply these days .
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