Example sentences of "which [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Other ingredients in the exhibition include a series of reworked pictures decorated with dead flowers , a group of vitrines containing small tableaux which correspond to the imagery of his paintings , and a survey of watercolours created during the last ten years and encompassing the familiar iconography of Valhallas and palettes with wings .
32 These are highly refractile bodies seen only at the pachytene stage , and which correspond to the No. 9 C-band region seen at metaphase .
33 This may be linked to : ( a ) structures of the subject being taught ; ( b ) progression in the number of components of the subject pupils may be expected to have learned in the course of their instruction ; ( c ) the degree of difficulty of typical test items ; ( d ) sequences which correspond to the teaching approaches of the designers of a graded assessment scheme ; 4 all of the items in a test are at a similar or the same level of difficulty ; 5 tests are intended to be taken only when pupils are ready for them ; 6 performance on tests is described in terms of " pass ' and " fail " , rather than a mark or grade .
34 We know that it can only oscillate at frequencies which correspond to the fundamental note and its overtones .
35 The box excursions are merely the six XYZ maximum/minimum extents values which correspond to the parts enclosing box ; again , these are held in assembly/sub-assembly coordinates .
36 Do any specific cells or synapses show changes which correspond to the behavioural adaptation ? — a question , which , of course , relates to the first of my criteria above .
37 Ideas are material forces for Gramsci , and hence consciousness is not spontaneous but structured in certain ways , which correspond to the general structure of society .
38 Thesaurus terms are grouped under a series of category headings which correspond to the main subfields within the area covered by the thesaurus .
39 One very significant outcome of these linkages has been the opportunity to build exit points at HNC and HND level which correspond to the ends of year 1 and year 2 of degree courses .
40 For instance , when the scale of production increases , horse or steam power is likely to be substituted for manual labour ; materials are likely to be brought from a greater distance and in greater quantities , thus increasing those expenses of production which correspond to the work of carriers , middlemen and traders of all kinds .
41 This cell column underlies a unit area of mucosal surface , the dimensions of which correspond to the thickness of the section and to the width of the ocular grid — that is , 960 µm .
42 In this assay two recombinant antigens , which correspond to the putative structural region of the ORF3 of HEV , are coated on polystyrene microplate wells to which serum is added .
43 Through its lexical meaning of a movement from point A to point B , to allows one to represent two positions of the infinitive event 's spatial support in time — one before , and one at the beginning of the infinitive 's event — which correspond to the two representations of person — extra- and intra-infinitival — involved in any use of the infinitive .
44 If we assume that the DNA bound bleomycin covers three base pairs two of which correspond to the cleavage site then the molecules must protrude by one base pairs in either direction .
45 Turning from the attractions of the Scotch whisky industry , can the Minister give us more information about the important regulatory aspects of getting companies which sub-contract to the Ministry of Defence to pay their bills or have them paid quickly ?
46 The most spectacular Strathnaver monuments are the brochs which zig-zag up the River Naver , from the sea at Invernaver , to Mudale , south from Altnaharra ; huge , circular , fortified towers , forty feet high , enclosing an inner court some fifty feet in diameter , with double walls , fifteen fret thick , containing galleries and stairs , and windows facing inwards .
47 We also bear in mind the principles enunciated by Cohen ( 1982 : 8 ) of ethnographic work on small solidary communities , which I have referred to in section 4.2 and which distinguish between the ‘ voice to the outside world ’ and the ‘ much more complicated ’ voice of the community ‘ to its own members ’ .
48 The tympanum represents Christ as Judge of the World and , below , the architrave has a row of sculptured figures above the larger figures of saints which alternate with the columns ( 389 and 419 ) .
49 Beats at the second level are stronger beats which alternate with the weaker beats at the lower level .
50 Locomotion is effected by undulating waves of muscle contraction and relaxation which alternate on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the worm .
51 Our new critical practice is showing that the questions we pose on Renaissance writing , which insist on the importance of contextualisation , reflect our own concerns with the function of language and value within society .
52 If subjectivity is less fixed , then space is left for the construction of identities , and collective identities , which deviate from the norm ( Lury 1987 ) .
53 You may hear in the first syllable of ‘ photography ’ , in the second syllable of ‘ photograph ’ and in the third syllable of ‘ photographer ’ , but the brain recognises links between these a vowels and , and respectively , and supplies underlying vowels which change into the appropriate sound as the stress pattern changes .
54 Words , of course , phrases , images , sequences , which connect with the very core of our inner experience , whether at its humblest or at its grandest .
55 Sabadell-based Cassa 's head of computing services , Jaume Matutes , said that the scheme was operated by three systems at company headquarters : an IBM Corp AS/400 for general commercial management ; Data General Corp Unix machines , which connect to the AS/400 and manage the meters ; and another unspecified Unix machine , used to control the supply network .
56 The result is an argument organized in three categories , all of which connect in the idea that sporting superiority is racially linked .
57 They are Sekers Fabrics , David Evans and Vanners Silks , all of which manufacture fabrics which sell at the top end of their markets .
58 or sorry it sends a signal to the adrenal glands which sit on the top of the kidneys yeah , and pumps adrenalin into the blood which again is something that makes you ready and that 's what all these things about about a dry throat a wonky voice a shaking limbs is all about a very primitive instinct of fight or flight .
59 Spenser throughout the book , and indeed throughout the poem , makes a number of equations which sit at the centre of his ideology .
60 In the second chapter of his work , Simmel traces the manner in which coinage as the medium used for money gradually loses any intrinsic value , and becomes exclusively a symbol for all other relationships .
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