Example sentences of "which [vb past] in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of east Asia in the general consular picture is especially marked in the case of Britain : by the end of the nineteenth century , when there were rather less than 200 salaried members of the British general consular service spread across the world , the more specialised and highly trained one which operated in China alone numbered seventy-five ( including student interpreters and assistants ) .
2 In addition the investigator examines critically the role of the devolved government which operated in Northern Ireland between 1921 and 1972 .
3 The decision puts the EC ahead of other signatories of the Montreal Protocol , which agreed in November to phase out these chemicals by January 1996 .
4 Our family , which lived in Renishaw Road in Nottingham , was always well off , if never rich .
5 With the arrival of a second seismic crew and an exploration well which spudded in mid-November , things are hotting up in LASMO 's Algerian contract areas .
6 A number of parties took place during the race week , including a very good champagne reception most generously given by Mot et Chandon at the very comfortable four star Hôtel le Manège , which reopened in December under a dynamic new young management .
7 A Convention , similar to that in England , which met in Edinburgh on 14 March 1689 , eventually decided to offer William the throne , though many Scots , especially the chieftains in the Highlands where the old religion remained strong , still regarded James II as their king , and others , not necessarily Catholic , saw in the dispossessed Stuarts the best hope of regaining Scotland 's lost independence .
8 Thus Stalin prevented Poland and Czechoslovakia from attending the conference of 16 European nations , which met in Paris between July and September , and drew up a joint economic recovery programme to be financed by America .
9 The Cairo conference , which met in November-December 1943 and was attended by Roosevelt , Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek , agreed that the Pacific War must conclude with the expulsion of Japan from all parts of the empire she had accumulated since 1895 .
10 WACC 's Central Committee ( CentCom ) , which met in Toronto , Canada , 29 June -5 July , launched the five-year programme and also authorised over 200 communication projects , seminars , studies and publications to be carried out during the coming year .
11 A communiqué issued on behalf of a steering group of the Ministers and central bank governor of the Group of Ten ( G-10 ) industrial economies ( the G-7 contries plus Belgium , the Netherlands , Sweden and Switzerland ) , which met in Washington on April 29 , called on central and east European countries to abandon " gradualism " and adopt the Polish model of economic reform .
12 Stolypin 's reforms found little sympathy in the Second Duma , which met in February 1907 .
13 The National Conference of the Communist Party , which met in Sheffield in October 1935 , passed a resolution which departed considerably from the slogan " For a Communist Group in Parliament " adopted at the Thirteenth Congress only eight months previously .
14 Following an address on July 6 to the Council 's Assembly by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , the first by an East European leader ( see pp. 36821-22 ) , the Council and the Soviet Union set up a joint working group to develop contacts and co-operation which met in September and October .
15 With the Congress leadership in jail , the Round Table conference which met in London in November , at Irwin 's initiative , to discuss constitutional advance , came to nothing , and Irwin realized that he must forego the pleasure of seeing the troublemakers in jail for the hope of constitutional development along the lines he had in mind for India .
16 At the official League Conference which met in London in March 1938 , policy discussion was allowed on certain topics relating to the problems of young people .
17 Various generals and admirals who had been prominent in the war effort were put on trial for their lives in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East ( IMTFE ) , which met in Tokyo between 1946 and 1948 .
18 The obstruction of the peace process by the Khmers Rouges was repeatedly condemned at a Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia which met in Tokyo on June 22 .
19 A NEW wildlife group which met in Darlington last night is a great success .
20 The Assembly , which met in Prague , Czech and Slovak Federal Republic , 1–11 September , also recommended that CEC set up a committee on communication to consider the communication needs of the churches .
21 At the parliament which met in November 1279 Pecham was forced to withdraw not only the order to display and expound Magna Carta but also the excommunication against royal officers who ignored writs of caption or seized or wasted temporalities and against any of the suitors of illegitimate prohibitions .
22 Many , though not all scholars , have praised Eden 's diplomacy at the conference which met in Geneva in April 1954 to discuss Far Eastern and especially South-East Asian questions .
23 It seems that there is still some mileage in the situation which arose in February 1992 , when at a meeting in Minsk the presidents of the Commonwealth of Independent States signed the now infamous Agreement on the Return of Cultural and Historical Treasures to their States of Origin ( The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p. 2 ) .
24 To place it all upon her is to distort reality , and an unjust over-simplification of the complex issues which arose in Cleveland . ’
25 The first is where the circumstances resemble those which arose in Morgan itself .
26 I do not consider that it would help towards the solution of your Lordships ' present problem for me to discuss further the points which arose in Morris ( including the question whether it really is an example of theft ) or in the many other cases on section 1(1) which have occupied the anxious attention of the courts and the academic writers .
27 Although commissions of array continued to be used for major expeditions led by the king or the Prince of Wales , such as those of 1346 and 1359 , the armies which fought in France came increasingly to consist of volunteers rather than conscripts ; and this in itself goes some way towards explaining popular support for the war .
28 None the less , their ability to achieve rapid movements not only in battle but , more important , before it , and to act in unison with the men-at-arms ( who were also mounted ) made them into ‘ by far the most important element in the armies which fought in France ’ .
29 It was this principle which applied in Hughes .
30 The Gater Committee on Film Production Costs , which reported in October 1949 , was in no doubt that the film industry had brought its latest crisis down upon its own head , through creating ‘ a general atmosphere of extravagance and unreality , leading to a disregard of expense which would not be tolerated in other forms of business . ’
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