Example sentences of "which can [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 The person claiming the benefit must retain the land which can benefit from the covenant .
2 Some rural locations have been designated as ‘ assisted areas ’ which can benefit from regional policy , while special development boards have been established in some regions such as mid-Wales and the Highlands and Islands .
3 This concept is then expanded by looking at specific areas within the personnel function which can benefit from this approach , and the various computer solutions to these requirements are reviewed .
4 Memory and retention skills can also be tested on each other , and you can be surprised by the misunderstandings which can result from not listening properly , or from being given inadequate or misleading information .
5 also considered ( p. 390c ) that in Cloverbay the Vice-Chancellor had not identified ‘ a watertight limit to the jurisdiction of the court to make an order under section 236 , ’ and that the court had a general discretion which should be exercised by balancing the needs of the administrators against the disadvantages accruing to the other party which can result from the making of the order .
6 This low level of activity indicates a lack of extensive interior melting , or a thick lithosphere , or a lack of stress in the lithosphere , or some combination of all three , all of which can result from a long history of low internal temperatures .
7 Such programmes can also provide crisis counselling for post-traumatic stress , which can result from involvement in such events as rail crashes , explosions , witnessing a fatal car accident , or being mugged .
8 There are four main types of book delivery which can result from a reader submitting a call-slip , namely ,
9 There is now a growing body of information ( but little research ) on the effects of step-family formation on the role and status of a child , which can change from special roles of oldest or youngest , of only boy or only girl , through integration with step-siblings and half-siblings .
10 He believes that each company needs to set its own targets for being a good corporate citizen , which can range from how much money should be donated to charities to making senior executives available for secondment to advise small businesses .
11 Far from receiving a discount the purchaser arriving at the average high street store which a bunch of fivers in most cases pays more for his new washing machine or bicycle because the retailer has factored into the pricing structure the credit card company 's fee ( which can range from one to four per cent ) .
12 She makes a useful distinction between three types of film-viewing : dominant readings , negotiated readings which are critical of what is on offer but nevertheless accept the underlying ideology , and oppositional readings which can range from outright rejection to the creation of subversive meanings .
13 However , on top of these fees , there are royalties to be paid for each unit shipped , which can range from $5 to $75 per copy .
14 However , on top of these fees there are royalties for each unit shipped , which can range from $5 to $75 .
15 Actors and politicians use applause , fanatical followers of cults , religions or political parties use a different set of ideas , which can range from love for one 's fellow human beings to projections of bitter hate upon one 's enemies .
16 In this a number of companies ( which can range from five to 500 ) contribute funds and technical and market input into a collaborative venture generally based at the laboratories of the technology provider .
17 Virtually all of those currently available have been reported to cause liver damage which can range from minor transient abnormalities in liver function tests to fulminant hepatic necrosis .
18 The length of single eruptive episode , which can range from a few days to several years , will depend on the eruptive energy available once the ground surface is broken .
19 Similarly , ‘ thank you ’ requires a response from them which can range from the cheerful to the stony silence .
20 However , O. cordifera appears to be a valid species which can distinguish from O. clavigera by the following characters : the shape of oral shield which is rounded slightly irregular in O. clavigera but pentagonal to rhombic often with an acute proximal angle in O. cordifera , the adoral shields are not separated as in O. clavigera but meet in the midline , proximal to the oral shield in O. cordifera and the larger size of the granules of the disk in O. cordifera .
21 Migraine is a very severe , often one-sided , headache which can last from several hours up to two days .
22 Most non-owners who want to ride go to their local riding school which can vary from being a top class training establishment with excellent facilities , where you will probably pay accordingly , or a small set-up with few mod cons .
23 Some lending organisations charge a Mortgage arrangement fee , which can vary from a few pounds to around £50 .
24 PR departments of advertising agencies , which can vary from a small press office handling product publicity to augment an advertising campaign , to a large comprehensive PR department not unlike the agency setup itself .
25 Locals in one area for example became accustomed to pungent odours , which can arise from the manufacture of mushroom compost if the mix is not correct , and did not complain .
26 They are said to relieve cramp In the forearm which can arise from long periods of practice flying : but here another caution should be observed .
27 The counsellor is often able to observe the spark of insight and realization which can arise from contact with another troubled individual .
28 It is , however , also important to recognize the potential of other bright people who can be trained while in post , and the problems and inefficiencies which can arise from ‘ sectarian professionalism ’ .
29 Statistical methods of analysing the large amounts of data which can arise from such studies are at present inadequate .
30 We are very aware that employers , particularly in small firms , need simple , accessible guidance on the relevant legal requirements and on how to avoid the costs which can arise from risky , and often inefficient , manual handling practices . ’
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