Example sentences of "which will [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The promotion also applies to Quattro Pro for Windows , which will cost £89.95 plus VAT for a limited period .
2 Hutchison Telecommunications UK Ltd 's Hutchison Paging has launched a financial services pager for private investors in a joint venture with the Financial Times Cityline stocks and shares information line : the pager covers 3,000 shares and within one minute of a chosen counter reaching a pre-set value , the pager automatically bleeps and displays a phone number , which can be called to hear the details ; the pager costs £160 plus tax , and includes a year 's subscription to the service , which will cost £100 plus tax for subsequent years .
3 Brass plaques , which will cost £100 , are being offered corporately , to individuals , and the families of players who have made a contribution to the fascinating Lisburn story .
4 They will then have to get money from the dole or the Benefits Agency , which will cost taxpayers a great deal more on top of the £25 billion that the state is already paying out for the unemployed .
5 The program , which will cost £59.95 , has been designed to make accounts easy for the non-specialist user .
6 The redevelopment of Monument Buildings , which will cost £2.4m , will provide 97 student bed spaces above 16,000 sq ft of new retail units .
7 The house , which will cost £300,000 , goes on the market next month .
8 Overall , the effect of the suspension of indexation will raise an additional £730 million in 1993/4 , although against this must be set the cost of the extension of the 20p band which will cost £370 million , leaving the Treasury £360 million better off in the coming year .
9 Staff are protesting at cuts in the education budget which will cost jobs and increase class sizes .
10 MCC bosses had hoped to deflect the rebels from insisting on the meeting , which will cost £17,000 and may well have to be held at a huge venue like Westminster Hall , by offering to pass on their views on the Gower affair to the selectors and the TCCB in an unprecedented letter of protest .
11 Ministers are still considering the request , which will cost £331,700 .
12 Fundraisers are looking at sites in North Wales to house the proposed hospice , which will serve children from the area as well as Merseyside and the Isle of Man .
13 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
14 Flexibility would increase competition between providers which will benefit investors .
15 The full benefits of a single currency will come through , which will benefit Britain and the entire Community .
16 Additionally , there is also an economically driven swing towards higher quality crudes , which will benefit LASMO because of the composition of its portfolio .
17 He blames the media partially for this , with its concentration on issues with populist emotive appeal and its failure to publicise low-key developments which will benefit people on a day-to-day basis .
18 In summary , the future pattern will probably include the following ingredients : 1 recognition that oral reading and silent reading should proceed simultaneously , from entry into school ; 2 longer periods given to individual reading interviews , which will necessitate re-organisation of the curriculum , with a greater emphasis on group work based on collaborative learning ; 3 the group work will have clear outcomes , many of which will start with silent reading and result in reading aloud for communication ; 4 the teaching of phonics will be seen as one possible cueing system only , resulting in the use of more intrinsically interesting texts which will enable contextual hypotheses ; 5 the realisation that books as such may be diminishing , will demand that other forms of print are incorporated into reading aloud in school , for example , from computers and teletext ; 6 the teacher 's professionalism will be accepted as lying in the understanding of the reading process and the development of the child , and in his or her power to train the child to read independently for real purposes as early as possible .
19 BT promises to produce a second report in May , which will cover progress on reaching these targets .
20 The DoH has begun a programme of child protection inspections which will cover interviews with children , but nothing specific on the memorandum is planned .
21 The National Association of Funeral Directors , may shortly have a scheme which will cover funeral costs .
22 The general lines of reform must be to permit increases on prewar standard rents which will cover maintenance costs with a certain allowance for arrears ; but these costs should be certified by the relevant local authority and only collectable upon that authority 's certificate that the appropriate standard of maintenance has been attained .
23 As well as pressing the government to support the proposed directive , it also supports the introduction of a model Tobacco Act , which will cover sales of tobacco to children , restrictions on smoking in public places , better education on the health risks of smoking , increased taxation levels and more provision of smoking cessation resources .
24 Service is due to start in Paris this year and in other metropolitan areas next and BellSouth will invest more than $80m in the network , which will cover 60% of the French population .
25 Its budget , which will cover modernisation of treatment works and construction of new pump shafts , is £250 million at 1989 prices , ‘ give or take a shilling ’ , Watts says .
26 In addition , ESA is contributing 1.5 per cent of the cost of the mainly-American Space Telescope , which will total £600 million .
27 The forces of nature , even today , are in control , and a winter storm which will inconvenience town and city dwellers can still devastate the hopes and aspirations and the economic structure of a Dales community .
28 If I act on the maxim that I will not do things which will hurt Mary 's feelings , that is not universalised simply because I will that all should avoid hurting Mary 's feelings .
29 He could then give some thought to the inequities of the council tax , so called , which is the nasty twin brother of the poll tax and which will leave debris — caused by the Prime Minister and the Conservative party — all over the country .
30 Lying weeping alone on a double bed can impregnate the room with associations which will leave doubts about the validity of the tenderness which is offered along with sexual encounters .
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