Example sentences of "which he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Distinguished guests fared only a little better ‘ … a pleasant fiction and cheerful jest of the captain 's … a profoundly preposterous box ’ was how Charles Dickens described his cabin on board the Britannia in which he crossed the Atlantic on his trip to America in 1842 .
2 ‘ Did you hear a scream ? ’ she asked dulcetly , then blinked at the speed with which he crossed the ground .
3 Even in his mid-seventies , Finniston is showing no sign of flagging in his boundless energy or in the missionary zeal with which he preaches the gospel that a healthy industrial economy is in the best interests of society as a whole .
4 ( E ) The conference nominates his excellency , Ali Mahdi Mohammed , as provisional President of the Somali Republic for a period of two years from the day on which he takes the oath .
5 Dexter let his eyes wander over the crates on the floor , brimming with files and books , and on to a dusty azalea on the window-sill for which he sensed a twinge of sadness .
6 Jones is also determined to increase funding for basic research , which he says the previous government allowed to run down .
7 The boy 's contemptuous : ‘ No ! ’ was always accepted without comment , and with no attempt at persuasion ; but each night a soft , sidelong , tormenting smile recognised the growing reluctance and diminishing arrogance with which he spat the refusal at his questioner .
8 Whatever evidence the IAAF officials discovered in the laboratory , one only needed to look at recent pictures of Johnson , in which he resembled an inflated balloon , to guess that his improved times showed he 'd been sucked back into the drug culture .
9 Shaking her head the old woman proffered a calloused palm , into which he deposited a shilling . ’
10 The Wimbledon midfield player was severely punished for his oration in ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men ’ , a video in which he describes a host of footballers ' dirty tricks .
11 Although compressed into less than 18 months there are certain similarities between the two revolutions , in their tactics as well as their phases , and although it is not explicit there is a remarkable comparison that may be inferred from Devillers ' brilliant essay in which he describes a Vietminh , at the end of 1946 , already losing momentum and because of that , driven to imprudent acts :
12 So much did he dread that his own was a case of ‘ redemption by parricide ’ that he emphasized the unwillingness with which he accepted the divine call with language which is exaggerated and almost coarse .
13 If the meticulous Davis was the last player one would expect to lose in such a manner , the six-times Masters champion retained his reputation for sportsmanship by the grace with which he accepted the verdict .
14 Any doubt about his attitude should have been set aside by the speech with which he accepted the leadership :
15 The hon. Gentleman is seeking to disguise the fact that under the Government in which he served the quality of service under the headings that I have just listed was vastly inferior to the quality of service provided under this Government .
16 Besides publishing pamphlets and organizing petitions , he brought out a short-lived newspaper , the Flying Eagle ( November–December 1652 ) , in which he denounced the abuses of the day .
17 But when we understand the adjective to be a predicate qualifier , so that the sentence is the counterpart to how did Reg run the engine ? , then it describes a different ( and , in engineering terms , presumably worse ) situation , in which he forces the engine to operate when it is already dry .
18 Then he gave way and agreed to remain Prime Minister , an eminence for which he professed no enthusiasm .
19 The heavy hand of a resident father would probably not have stopped him being suspended from school three times , once for smoking , once for swearing and once for self-confessed vandalism ( breaking a rival basketball team 's scoreboard because they played dirty , for which he took a part-time job to pay for the damage ) .
20 A prolonged breather , during which he took a bar of chocolate out of his pocket and unwrapped it in a leisurely way .
21 ‘ He had long been in a bad state of health , which he took no care to repair but on the contrary lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him , this brought on the Flux which put a period to his life ’ ( Cook ) .
22 I was fortunate to be able to include in addition to my own account a lecture by the former Lord Justice Devlin in which he took the fourth Appeal Court severely to task for the illogicality of its reasoning and for usurping the functions of the jury , and a chapter by Bryan Magee about his efforts over the years to try to persuade the Home Office to reopen Cooper 's case .
23 Shortly after arriving in England , he responded to a petition from a number of Puritan ministers by calling a theological conference at Hampton Court Palace , at which he took the chair for a series of debates between his bishops and the representatives of those looking for reform .
24 Hopper held his own in a hard , heavy-hitting first round in which he took the fight to Parsons , even though he took some punishment .
25 He followed Eloise out of the sitting room — she called it her boudoir , which he thought an affectation — and along the wide corridor towards the big first-floor room where the Brückners held their parties and the guests were able to admire his Russian art collection .
26 This influences the expectations that the public in Easton have of the police , and of their role in the community — a point which one constable made by explaining that one resident in Easton , upon finding himself locked out of his home , called at the station asking for the duplicate set of keys to his house which he thought the police would routinely possess for the residents ' benefit ; phone calls from the public asking for air and train information also sometimes occur .
27 He therefore set out to produce a corrected text first of the letters of Paul his hero , then of the gospel of Paul 's companion Luke ( the other gospels being scrapped ) , which he thought the work of Paul himself in its original form .
28 In the same case , at 427 , Denning LJ ( as he then was ) gave more examples in the following passage and summarised the circumstances in which he thought the court would interfere :
29 Harris returned with a ‘ great store of grafts ’ including the famous Pippins , from which he grew the first ever modern-style orchard at Teynham in Kent .
30 New selling aids and point-of-sale material were presented by Michael Saulet , Marketing Director Ralph Ellis , Managing Director , concluded the conference with a review of the trading year in which he re-affirmed the company strategy for the Autumn trading period and laid the foundations for the future .
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