Example sentences of "which he [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 … it could have no real importance after the visit to Osborne in the course of which Napoleon III having tightened the alliance with England had nothing much to say to the Emperor of Russia , his enemy of the day before yesterday , his friend of yesterday — but not his ally of today , which he might have become had it not been for the recent drawing together of the Courts of the Tuileries and St James .
2 But Budworth was an honest man , and , as such , felt a compunction for the errors in which he might have unthinkingly involved the innocent and unsuspecting female .
3 The Army in their Heads of Proposals offered the King terms which he might have been expected to find much more acceptable .
4 Lord Home ordered his agents in Scotland to seize Brown as soon as he landed and to impress upon him ‘ what is very trew that if he oppose me he will dissoblige Prince Waldeck and all his officers ’ , and thus presumably ruin any chance which he might have of advancement .
5 First , there are things which might or would have happened as consequences of some other action which he might have done instead .
6 They had come , they said , to take Klein to lunch and to have a friendly discussion about a matter in which he might have a mutual interest .
7 ‘ But , to articulate the apparent principle underlying the section more precisely it is surely envisaged in each of the five cases where the section authorises refunds of amounts paid in respect of rates which would otherwise be irrecoverable that the ratepayer who has paid rates in compliance with a demand note which he might have successfully resisted may appropriately be relieved of the consequences of his oversight .
8 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
9 The bell for Compline rang , the time she had set herself for hounding him out at the wicket , into a world he was , perhaps , already beginning to regret surrendering , but which he might have found none too hospitable to a runaway Benedictine novice .
10 Jamie is propped up in a neatly made bed on which lie two discarded magazines of which he might have read the covers .
11 The plaintiff 's solicitors must make regular checks ( and it is a good idea for the defendant 's insurers and solicitors to do the same ) on the wage rates at regular intervals , and not only on the rates for the job that the plaintiff would have been doing but the rate for any job into which he might have been promoted but for the accident .
12 Liabilities for contracts and torts incurred by a married woman before marriage are binding on her , and also on her husband to the extent of any property which he may have acquired from her , as under a marriage settlement .
13 It also may have answered a few queries over which he may have pondered in his youth and then discarded to the rear of his mind for later consideration .
14 But the cruellest experiences the victim 's pain however great as less than his own enhancement of power however small , so that the suffering of a victim who is being crippled for life may be deliberately empathized by the torturer , but as less than his own titillation , which he may have forgotten by the time he goes home to lunch .
15 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
16 Sir [ James ] Fitzjames Stephen ( afterwards Stephen J. ) , in [ A General View of the Criminal Law of England ( 1863 ) , p. 129 ] , suggested as a definition of theft : ‘ To steal is unlawfully , and with intent to defraud , by taking , by embezzlement , by obtaining by false pretences , or in any other manner whatever to appropriate to the use of any person any property whatever real or personal in possession or in action , so as to deprive any other person of the advantage of any beneficial interest at law or in equity , which he may have therein . ’
17 The Alexis Master 's full-page narrative pictures show stylistic and iconographic links with Anglo-Saxon and Ottonian art and the monumental art of Italy , which he may have visited .
18 His predominant mode , in the Clarendon Building and All Souls designs and at Queen 's , as well as in other works , such as the Christ Church buttery ( 1722 ) and his Durham quadrangle range at Trinity College ( 1728 ) , was a simplified version of the baroque of Hawksmoor and Sir John Vanbrugh [ q.v. ] ; but the fellows ' building at Corpus Christi College , of which he may have been the designer as well as the builder , was close to the proto-Palladian manner of the Peckwater quadrangle , while his Radcliffe quadrangle at University College ( 1717–19 ) — again devised under Clarke 's direction — and his additions at Oriel College ( 1719–20 ) were faithful copies of the traditional Jacobean style of the adjoining buildings , the former including a skilfully executed Gothic vault .
19 When he arrives at his destination he can not rely upon finding effective substitutes not merely for the luxuries , but for the common necessaries , which he may have left behind .
20 This is a series of sentences or utterances in the student 's own words about any experiences in which he may have engaged ; useful for reading for beginners ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
21 Terry B says it 's great to be back and he 's heard there 's a race for the over fifties which he may have a go at … he 's getting itchy feet and will soon be back riding for trainers … he 's also got his old job back as a steward at Worcester races and his public still love him
22 To the observer this decision of 1955 looks as hard or harder ; to agree to accept a post which he expected to hate , and for which he regarded himself as unsuitable , and in which he would have to neglect that scholarship which was essential to his happiness and to his sense of vocation and to the reason why he ever became a bishop at all , if the leaders of the Church declared that this was where he was needed .
23 He did not think that Ramsey would be interested in the load of administration which he would have to carry .
24 Upon a sale of land the purchaser is normally entitled to have produced to him and to investigate the deeds recording previous transactions in the land going back for fifteen years ( Law of Property Act 1969 : formerly the period was thirty years ) ; and though this period is sometimes reduced by agreement , the shortening of the period throws a risk on the purchaser , who is not only bound by all legal interests in the land which actually exist whether he discovers them or not , but also by all equitable interests which he would have discovered if he had insisted on an investigation for the longer period .
25 King George V had been very grieved at the outbreak of the Great War , which he would have liked to avoid , but Britain 's commitment to Belgium made that impossible , and in 1917 he decided to change the royal ‘ House ’ name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor .
26 Obviously , Beatrice was enjoying taunting her editor and former lover with her constant references to another man which he would have understood .
27 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
28 It now seems a sad compromise , arrived at by friends who wanted to see him appropriately honoured , but it is one perhaps which he would have understood .
29 At the age of 19 he sat the Queen 's Scholarship Examination , which he would have to pass if he wished to pursue any form of teacher-training after the initial apprenticeship .
30 Just as I am sure twenty-seven victories seemed utterly insufficient to Jackie — and had he not retired , he was certainly fit enough and a good enough driver , given the right cars , to which he would have had total access , to notch up another fifteen or twenty — I am sure that his first million seemed a trifle .
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