Example sentences of "which is [adv] important " in BNC.

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1 The trend will probably further delay the creating of new consultant posts , which is critically important for some specialties , including oncology , where unrealistic workloads are carried .
2 I learned from that outing that there is in top-level racing , as well as intelligence , a physical dimension which is vastly important .
3 The milk is notable for a high protein content ( 3.49 per cent ) and this is a factor which is increasingly important in milk production the world over .
4 [ He says ] moreover that the testator 's intention , which is particularly important in trusts , supports this opinion , and that the testator would not , after this preamble , have added objects if he had wanted only cash to be paid .
5 Hashing techniques are very fast , but do not allow the study of sub-word letter sequences , which is particularly important in this case , as explained in section 3.3 below .
6 The spatial sub-file , which is particularly important for data base integration , was sub-divided into further levels storing nodal position , enclosing box , primary silhouette , secondary silhouette , and tertiary/section silhouettes in descending layers .
7 In the uplands , the basic facts of land use have already been outlined in Table 8.2 ( 7th line of data ) , but these data ignore the distinction between farmland and rough pasture , which is particularly important in Scotland , where much of the so-called agricultural area is moorland .
8 There is one person responsible for ensuring that the individual does not ‘ slip through the net ’ or drift away from the service , a factor which is particularly important in mental health services .
9 To understand why the confusion has been generated it is necessary to separate two different issues , the first of which is particularly important .
10 The commitment to Trident , which is particularly important to us in Scotland , is not .
11 The structures must be able to withstand bad weather , including gale force winds , ensuring there is no distracting and perhaps alarming flapping of canvas on windy days , which is particularly important if a PA system is to be used .
12 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
13 The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture , which is also important in identifying fossil species .
14 This forms part of the ‘ learning by doing ’ concept , which is also important in other forms of library user education .
15 My hon. Friend the Member for Stockton , South talked about the representative role of a Member of Parliament and how it had changed , which is also important .
16 Our total budget for ethnic arts is in the region of about fifteen hundred pounds which , as you can probably appreciate in a region representing four million people , does not all us very much flexibility , but we also feel that it 's the type of event which we are prepared to support , which is also important .
17 — centres around the old oak woodland which is equally important to a wealth of other birds .
18 And I think probably erm there is another issue which is equally important and that is the question that it must be a location where people who develop employment wish to locate and erm and develop enterprises .
19 Which Is most Important ?
20 He attacks oralism as an additional depriving agent since it insists on having no further stimulation other than speech , when it is the language stimulation which is most important not the modality of stimulation .
21 Remember please that it is the effort of doing and thinking about and trying to find the means of expressing an idea which is most important in art education — not the finished result .
22 As you , Sir , will know , in two successive years , I have raised the question of access for Members , which is most important , because it allows us to exercise our right to come here carrying information , messages and representations on behalf of the people whom we represent .
23 Even if you had a single gene which is terribly important , erm because human beings are complex everything they do is affected by large numbers of genes a number of examples that contradict that .
24 It is understood that SFA regards an agreement as in writing for this purpose even if its terms are set out in a terms of business letter accepted merely by conduct ( which is especially important where the intermediary is not a private customer ) .
25 There are strong grounds for limiting the sample size of the investigation because it is not the number of countries per se which is usually important , but rather the range of variation which they provide ( Walker , 1967 ) .
26 In particular the way small firms function as ‘ a highly elastic shock absorber of underemployed and marginal workers which is extremely important in recessions ’ ( Samuels 1981 p.45 ) .
27 Many protests in our prisons are about food , which is extremely important to the prisoners .
28 Obviously you know , I 'd love to erm try and win that erm win that again erm and also the grass track racing which is extremely important to me , but erm being world speedway champion is erm for me the number one now you know , I 've really erm the long track scene virtually can look after itself without having to worry too much about the planning and everything .
29 Though Cutler seems to regard the three modes as , in the end , ideal types , in practice his discussion of the relationships between reproductive media and musical practices — which is genuinely important — is presented as an abstract schema .
30 It is a pity that we can not spend more time just looking at some of the issues — for example , clause 28 , which is quite important — which affect adult education .
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