Example sentences of "which is [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 I 'm , I think , I think I 've got a different criticism which is that much of it is still too much like a newspaper erm that it 's , as I say , that the modular structure of the news pages is too relentlessly like , almost like , the Times of eighteen twelve , I mean too relentlessly little blocks that sort of sit there and although there 's Helvetica bold in the headlines , it 's , somehow the relationship and flow of stories in many ways does n't seem to have changed , it 's the presentation
2 They have to erm , first of all ask er R S P C A funding it , which is very much against anyway because I , I hate being humiliated by the this way .
3 Something which is very much under attack .
4 Next year we will extract over 2.5 million tonnes of coal and could well be British Coal 's largest contract supplier by 1994 , ’ claims John Chance , ‘ but there is no room for complacency in an industry which is very much at a watershed . ’
5 Aside from the ‘ artistic ’ merit , which is very much subjective , the material this year feels nice and light and smooth !
6 Erm , the scheme itself is one which is very much in mind with er , various policies that you 've had put in front of you , in terms of er , provision er , for this type of scheme for people with learning disabilities .
7 It 's a big responsibility which is very much on the trustees shoulders , he is , he is standing on his own there and it 's
8 Section er , I was very surprised indeed that er Hilary asking for a review of the service because in fact all one 's experience and I am sure as well tells us that this is a success story , it is something that petition after petition that we 've asking to keep it that way , shows that it is one of the services that the County provides which is very much appreciated by the recipients and we ca n't say that in all County Councils ' services but you can say it about er the section seventeen and I think you ought to acknowledge that Chairman .
9 I do n't mean that Elgar is a sensuous composer , but I mean the fluidity of Elgar , which is very much his style , which we admire and which is part and parcel of our sort of heritage , they do n't see the point of it , they ca n't really enter into the spirit of it .
10 Second , in contrast in a country , such as Italy , the system of stratification and class structure in society forms an important part of the analysis , which is as much concerned with workers and the working class as with unions and collective bargaining .
11 Besides the particular passions or impulses directed at objects other than pleasure , a human being has ; more general desire that he should enjoy as much pleasure or happiness as possible , during his life as a whole , which is as much as to say , a desire that the totality of his impulse ; directed at objects other than his own pleasure should receive as much satisfaction as possible .
12 A Brummie quintet of dough-faced noise junkies , writhing unashamedly under the influence of classical Stateside garage/grunge nihilism , they evade accusations of mere revivalism on the strength of a feisty Britpunk directness , and singer Billy Child 's natural sense of pose , which is as much Robert Plant as Iggy Pop .
13 I pretend I do n't notice — which is as much use with Jancey as a trellis against a gale .
14 A Brummie quintet of dough-faced noise junkies , writhing unashamedly under the influence of classical Stateside garage/grunge nihilism , they evade accusations of mere revivalism on the strength of a feisty Britpunk directness , and singer Billy Child 's natural sense of pose , which is as much Robert Plant as Iggy Pop .
15 Whether or not governments should take greater powers to break up already existing monopolies is an issue which is as much political as economic , for it involves issues of the freedom of the individual and the state .
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