Example sentences of "which is [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It has meant that she has only had two training sessions in the last month , which is scarcely the preparation necessary to face her hardest opponent in the world .
2 If you have any original Lloyd Loom which is slightly the worse for wear , contact Graham Mancha on 029 6615121 .
3 In the city centre the only German buildings still standing are the ruin of the Gothic cathedral and the former stock exchange , which is nowadays the Palace of Culture for Sailors .
4 My children love to play this game which is simply the water variant of ‘ What 's the Time Mr Wolf ’ .
5 Among his own people , Jesus would have been called ‘ Yeshua ’ , which is simply the familiar biblical ‘ Joshua ’ .
6 The right hand side equates this with the effect of an operator , the Hamiltonian , which is simply the observable corresponding to the energy of the system under consideration .
7 In contrast , the mutant polymerases and CRP produce a pattern which is simply the sum of the individual CRP and polymerase footprints .
8 Another method of determining the static position error involves the concept of " stiffness " , which is simply the slope of the static torque/rotor position characteristic at the equilibrium position .
9 It is convenient to introduce the idea of " switching angle " , which is simply the change in detected rotor position relative to the low-speed detected position .
10 The angular attenuation of scattering is measured by the particle scattering factor which is simply the ratio of the scattering intensity to the intensity in the absence of interference , measured at the same angle θ .
11 Evaluation of the temperature dependence of the size of such a region leads to an expression for the co-operative transition probability , , which is simply the reciprocal of the relaxation time .
12 This comes from training which is done at a speed close to , and occasionally above , your aerobic threshold — which is approximately the pace of your best 10 miles .
13 Interpolating between these two markers gave the energy of the peak as 2.5 MeV ( 2496 keV ) which is approximately the energy that neutrons produced by dd fusion have .
14 It is within this context that we have to come to terms with the Christian view of judgment which is arguably the most unfashionable Biblical doctrine of the twentieth century .
15 Before discussing this use , which is arguably the most significant benefit of using computing power in the personnel field , it may be worthwhile to answer the question " What is a model ? "
16 He then moved to the London Borough of Hackney which is arguably the most deprived inner London borough and has a high proportion of ethnic minority residents .
17 It is the failure to exercise this option which is ultimately the explanation for B 's situation .
18 On Q.29 we answered ‘ means absolute zero ’ whereas it was ‘ minus absolute zero ’ , which is practically the same meaning .
19 which is practically the same as were paying .
20 What is easier than to look at the most conspicuous item in the marketing budget and one which is largely the concern of an outside supplier , at that ?
21 The problem with the International Data Corp figures is that they try to treat Unix workstations as a separate market rather than bundling Unix workstations and Unix servers together , which is presumably the reason for the implied figure for IBM Corp sales of only $558m , where IBM has implied total 1992 RS/6000 business of $2,000m .
22 So everything in between has an unfulfilling lack of immediacy , and instead of being drawn more vividly into the drama ( which is presumably the principal justification for recording live ) we experience a remoteness that characterizes none of the studio recordings with which this version has to be compared .
23 Where the services can not be seen as making an economic contribution , they are clearly improving the quality of life for members of the community , which is presumably the ultimate goal of raising productivity and standards of living anyway .
24 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
25 If this royal retreat has been trampled by an enthusiastic tourist — which is increasingly the case — the insect is doomed .
26 The raising of children is an intensely private family matter which is nevertheless the subject of equally intensive public debate and concern .
27 Rasa played an important part in Indian alchemy which is primarily the concern of those devotees of Siva , God of metamorphosis , and was used in concocting the ‘ elixir of life ’ known as ‘ Rasayana ’ .
28 These lead now not to mere eternal recurrence , but , redeemed , to spiritual content and the possibility of a peace beyond time in the search for the word which is both the word of God 's grace , healing , and the ‘ cry ’ of the poet aspiring .
29 What matters is that I need never question that there is a course which is objectively the best for me , and that when most aware I am nearest to it .
30 The other work in this boldly planned programme was Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring , in an interpretation which is surely the product of much thought on Rattle 's part .
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