Example sentences of "which must have be " in BNC.

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1 The illustrator Cecil Aldin developed a romantic Dickensian view of the coaching inn in the 1920 , which must have been influential in ensuring that ‘ Brewers ’ Georgian ’ was a favoured style .
2 A publisher is eligible for membership when they publish fifteen titles , ten of which must have been commercially exploited land they must all have been written by PRS writer members ) .
3 It is a sort of cultural conflict which must have been going on in the husband 's mind .
4 Many of the linguistic elements are borrowed from Tolkien and — which must have been more exasperating for their originator — changed and got ‘ wrong ’ .
5 I 'd read an article by Jon Mendlesohn in Rolling Stone , which emanated from a trip he took to Los Angeles the year before , which must have been about 1970 , that said that there was this guy who did weird songs and dressed up in dresses .
6 But the thing which must have been nearest to her heart , because she returned to it so often , was how as a child she had walked to church along the sands .
7 ‘ Reckless ’ manslaughter is also an example of constructive liability ; even if Caldwell recklessness is justifiable as a standard , it is only an obvious risk of injury which must have been foreseeable .
8 Piled in one of the stalls was a mountain of logs , which must have been delivered since Mungo had last been there .
9 It shows San Carlo to have had a big nose and long ears , features which must have been real as they also appear in several portraits .
10 ‘ Ears of grain were called apples of gold , which must have been the first gold in the world while metallic gold was unknown …
11 It would be possible , Roland thought , to identify the breakfast party , which must have been one of Crabb Robinson 's later efforts to provide stimulating conversation for the students of the new London University .
12 It started him out on a career which must have been exactly the kind envisaged by Gladstone and the pioneers of the public library system .
13 For example , Africa supplied Rome with two-thirds of its corn , transported in the great grain ships which must have been among the most impressive sights of antiquity .
14 The only place I could think of was Stonehenge which must have been spanking new then and as up to date as a Hilton or an out-of-town Sainsburys .
15 There were many types of seed plants evolving throughout the late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic periods which must have been excellent sources of food .
16 They also got very noisy , which must have been galling for Ron , standing out in the wind and rain supervising the keen members of his squad .
17 She had never been on a train before and the speed , which must have been twenty miles an hour , made her as excited as a child .
18 For a start he 'd given up being a hippie , which must have been a relief to the Fish , not only professionally but because it meant the Fish could play Charlie soul records — Otis Redding and all — the only music he liked .
19 ‘ There are also bruises on her thigh , which must have been caused by her being stamped on or kicked as she struggled . ’
20 One of the craft was in a mighty hurry when he set Judas for Jesus at John vi.67 , as happened in 1609 ; and so was his descendant in 1653 when , at Corinthians vi.9 , he pronounced that ‘ the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God ’ , which must have been a great comfort to a considerable number of citizens under the Commonwealth .
21 In A Song to David , which must have been written in the asylum , as it was publicised soon after his release , David , who represents the poet and is thus a symbol for Smart himself , leads the hymn of Adoration in which all Creation joins , every creature making his individual and characteristic contribution .
22 His flesh was red and raw , but even after wounding himself like that , which must have been pretty painful , he did n't stop .
23 An itch of fascination at this utterly different , aberrant creature twisted within Lexandro , into rage — at the sly , inhuman intelligence which must have been responsible for the loss of those brave champions of Humanity who now lay lifeless in caskets .
24 They showed some decline in the 1931 Census ( to 48 per cent and 8 per cent respectively ) , part of which must have been the result of high general levels of unemployment in the depths of the inter-war depression .
25 I vividly remember the occasion when a box had not been properly secured — when poor Katy opened the bathroom door she was greeted by a scene which must have been reminiscent of the Hitchcock film The Birds with thrushes and feathers flying everywhere !
26 The eclipses show that the binary system is embedded in a cloud of material which must have been ejected from the companion star , although calculations suggest that the companion is well inside its Roche lobe .
27 Doubtless it included rent from Garsington as well as from the Whitchurch glebe , which must have been let to farm seeing that his own agricultural interests were limited to a couple of dozen sheep and some poultry .
28 They met with little armed resistance ( which must have been a relief to Louis , who had little confidence in his own military skill ) , and gained considerable incidental profit : the king 's person was seen in an area unvisited since the reign of Louis IV ; the counts of Nevers , Chalon , and Mâcon were brought to heel ; Burgundian lords appealed for the king 's mediation in their quarrels ( he also sought theirs ) ; the count of Forez , hitherto only a vassal of the Emperor , declared his most important castles to be held as fief of the crown of France , the first step in the integration of Forez into the French realm .
29 The achievements of the Dorset industry , which must have been under very astute management , were due to the presence of Poole Harbour , where the pottery must have been crated and shipped for its journey on the western route with its useful points of entry , the Bristol Channel , the Dee and Mersey , the Solway Firth and the Clyde .
30 There was eagerness and excitement in his voice at once , echoing the emotion which must have been obvious in Hornblower 's tone — Hornblower took notice of it , and as he buckled his waistband he reaffirmed his resolution to be more careful how he spoke , for he must regain his reputation as a silent hero .
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