Example sentences of "which we [vb mod] use " in BNC.

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1 Authenticity of the texts which we may use as input data for our students .
2 Can items for the management team executive committee , I think I have three , erm one is to say that the the title of the total quality programme is going to be improvement through quality , in which case that 's the , that 's the phraseology which we should use from now on , is it like , it 'll actually abbreviate to I Q rather than T Q.
3 Again we have here a variable which we can use to regulate individual needs if required , twelve shakes giving a slightly sharper daily rise in potency than eight .
4 The measures which we can use include indications that the animal is failing to cope with its environment ( with the difficulties which it encounters ) and measures of how hard it is for that individual to cope with the difficulties .
5 Let's start with a time-proven classic Delta , for which we can use wooden dowels and two metres ( yards ) of any grade ripstop nylon .
6 In these fields , too , we are sometimes able to identify social phenomena such as an increase in population size , which we can use to explain other phenomena , while at the same time being unable to identify any corresponding regularities in the behaviour or attitudes of individual agents .
7 However , half-a-thumb's-length beyond it ( roughly two minutes at 75kts ) is another very distinctive marker point , a 300ft mast reaching to over 700ft amsl ( L ) which we can use to back-confirm our time over the half-way point as we pass south abeam it .
8 Suppose that I expect a colleague to give me a lift home this evening , but that her car has a flat battery ; this wo n't stop us , however , because a friend 's car is parked conveniently near with some jump leads which we can use to get her car to start .
9 It is a medium of great variety , with a wealth of different kinds of software which we can use to ring the changes in our teaching .
10 This book suggests many ways in which we can use video in a different way to viewing television .
11 The concepts mental lexicon , lexical entry and lexical access provide a vocabulary which we can use when discussing how words are perceived and produced .
12 We now have a legal requirement on employers which are clearly written and which we can use to our advantage providing our safety reps have been correctly trained to implement the regulations .
13 Though , you know , there 's a sense in which we can use , we we 're a , we gave it in you to have a certain amount of license , and we can use illustrations just as we would use modern illustrations to describe spiritual truths and to use them to illustrate the gospel .
14 Yellow Pages or some of the local journals or whatever and will have a copy in existence which we can use .
15 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
16 ‘ We discovered there were elms which we could use on the Floors Estate and so the Duke agreed to sell them to us . ’
17 ‘ I 'm after a Brian Clough-style dynasty , which we could use as a base on which to build everything else . ’
18 We needed to alternate between the past and the future , and while we had two good historical scripts in , none of the writers David had commissioned had yet produced anything set in the future which we could use .
19 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
20 Since we now have three different measures for the value of a country 's total output , we also have three different names which we could use to describe that output .
21 These women go out with their children and in their bags or baskets , instead of carrying nappies or extra clothing for their children , they have the bombs or weapons which we will use a few blocks further on .
22 And the new single , ‘ Certain People I Know ’ / ‘ Jack The Ripper ’ , will prove no exception to the rule , coming in a special promo sleeve which , so the Parlophone press office reckons , ‘ Has artwork similar to that which we used to use on T-Rex singles . ’
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