Example sentences of "which do not take " in BNC.

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1 But wordings which did not take the shape of a request also soon came to be accepted .
2 The leather trade was one which did not take a great deal of effort to run successfully but then Craig believed that his brother had a hand in the unprofitable deals Uncle Thomas had made and had profited from them .
3 As soon as the paint was completely dry , which did not take long at all , the masking tape and the paper covering were very carefully removed .
4 To discuss such issues outside the parlement of Paris , in territory which was in the immediate lordship of the English crown ( though held from the crown of France ) , represented a concession to English requests for a meeting which did not take the form of a lawsuit between unequals .
5 He was ultimately allowed £49,752 of such ‘ pretences ’ , but as an ex gratia payment which did not take in further claims of £46,803 .
6 The next line ( overscored on the only surviving copy ) reads : ‘ … and read before it by Sir Humphrey Davy ’ — an event which did not take place .
7 Agnosticism or scientific materialism was a poor thing which did not take the universe and its order seriously enough .
8 Environmental policies which did not take economic concerns into account were " doomed to fail " , he said , whereas " there is no better ally in the service of our environment than strong economies , economies that make possible increased efficiencies , that enable us to make environmental gains , economies that can generate new technologies and help us arrest and reverse the damage done to our environment " .
9 She lifted the hem of her skirt a little , which did n't take much doing since it was practically touching the ground .
10 Note two open set adverbs which do not take -ly : fast and hard .
11 Direct access to university libraries is still required for those theses deposited before the individual university began participating in the BLDSC microfilming scheme , and for the very small number of UK universities which do not take part in that scheme .
12 c The formula was calculated on average speciality costs which do not take into account the extra severity and complexity of referrals particularly to teaching hospitals .
13 Moreover the commonly held view that the rational expectations hypothesis is the natural offspring of neoclassical and new classical economics has considerably limited the wider application of the concept of rational expectations in macroeconomic models which do not take the assumption of market clearing as their point of departure .
14 Coen and Hickman dispense with the common practice of linking changes in NAIRU with changes in the natural unemployment rate , preferring instead to rely on demographic and other data to arrive at direct estimates of the natural rate , estimates which do not take as their reference point the behaviour of the rate of inflation .
15 A new study by UN economists claims that farming contributes one-XXXX third less to national economies than the totals given by official figures , which do not take account of environmental losses such as soil erosion .
16 to the point where my father-in-law woken up in his room with hilarious giggles which do n't take long to ensue
17 Their views of appropriate actions for resolving problems of disability related to their own value systems ; the authors of the study conclude that a standard service , which does not take individual values into account , will conflict with the view of some people it is trying to help .
18 But the manufacturers claim that the insurers are still using a blanket approach which does not take full account of differences between models , and improvements they have introduced .
19 So far we have considered the development of marriage blueprints in a way which does not take account of sexual differences and which assumes that learning takes place in the context of a two-person relationship , principally between a child and one or other of his parents .
20 She suggests that this is a hard-line criterion against natural parents which does not take account of social workers ' failure to encourage regular contact between natural parents and children in care .
21 FMLN health workers and doctors insist that any health system which does not take as its starting point the ideological world of the patient would in fact be ‘ unscientific ’ since it would be , at worst , simply a system for diagnosing diseases , or , at best , a system of treating diseases but not a system for treating people .
22 In effect , Western attempts to create a security system which does not take this into account can not anticipate a long-term future .
23 Pasqua said that " one Frenchman out of every two rejected a Europe which does not take people into account " .
24 It is the position of the adjective which instantiates a property explicitly assigned to the entity already identified by the subject of the sentence but which does not take part in identifying that subject .
25 Differentiation by task is a more complex and demanding strategy which does not take one simple form : In this example the teacher identifies the topic content which pupils should learn ( the core ) , then sets different tasks for different ability levels within the class and these tasks are directed to achieving particular levels of achievement .
26 I reject ( 1 ) because this can not take account of the vast range of human communication which does not take place within the canonical situation of utterance — i.e. face-to-face .
27 After only 20 doublings , which does n't take very long , we are up in the millions .
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