Example sentences of "which i have be " in BNC.

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1 And as luck would have it , I just happen to have a list of apparently germane truths which I have been maturing during the last month or so , after being worsted in various conversations .
2 I do not remember there having been given such consideration and discussion to the constitution of any other body with which I have been associated .
3 In many voluntary committees with which I have been connected , older people often ( not always ) offered a calibre of service that was admirable .
4 The source , when they find it , is my swimfeeder which I have been casting and retrieving quite frequently since those initial handfuls .
5 For instance having retired to this lovely English village , and assembled my wits and memories to compile this narrative , I have had the satisfaction recently of discovering the original meaning of three common expressions which I have been using for years .
6 This is the Chinese name by which I have been known ever since and which is my personal ‘ chop ’ .
7 Two serious illnesses which I have been told about , but can not remember , occurred before I was three .
8 In the book I have attempted to give a practical interpretation of the soft systems approach , an interpretation that has been found to be of value in many studies with which I have been associated .
9 He asked himself , ‘ What is the direction upon which I have been depending ? ’ , and realized that he had been relying on a sense of what seemed ‘ natural ’ and ‘ right ’ to govern his actions .
10 As the protagonist in Kafka 's Conversation with a Suppliant confessed : ‘ There has never been a time in which I have been convinced from within myself that I am alive . ’
11 My main concern , however , on this throbbing morn , is to reassure any of my admirers whose opinion of me may have been diminished by David and Ted 's startling revelations concerning the use to which I have been known to put my sinuses .
12 Anyway , to the issue of the C65 which I have been hearing a lot about recently , but still do n't know exactly what it does .
13 Brightest spot : the final , disgraceful death of the opinion poll industry , which I have been campaigning for since 1983 .
14 Between the two , so to speak , in the organizational and cultural space between them , or the Third Area , come the psychic and political relations to which I have been pointing .
15 Your readers may be amused by an incident in which I have been involved .
16 I live in Scarborough , and some time ago enquired about leisure art classes ; this led to me taking an interview for a full-time art and design course , which I have been accepted for .
17 ‘ I am returning the delightful Quarto edition of Crowe 's poem , from which I have been able to observe what he did later with the piece .
18 It is this assumption which I have been questioning in this paper .
19 classes of which I have been giving a history … a committee which labouring afterwards with Mr. Wilberforce as a parliamentary head did , under Providence , in the space of twenty years , contribute to put an end to a trade which … was the greatest practical evil that ever afflicted the human race .
20 The period during which I have been writing this chapter has seen one of the worst staffing levels ever at the women 's flat .
21 In the 14 years since 1978 , during which I have been the only consultant physician in respiratory medicine in West Cumbria , there should , according to the above statistics , have been at least 70 deaths from asthma and yet I know of very few , having personal knowledge of only three .
22 What I want to do , in this second part of my lecture , is to illustrate in the field in which I have been myself involved — literature and stylistics — the kind of projects which have been attempted and the limited success which has been achieved .
23 ‘ What remains is the problem which I have been concerned with over the past year , which is to try to regenerate enough political pressure within the international community to oblige Iran to reverse its current policy .
24 And now , a splendid piece of country to the west of the Aspe valley which I have been leaving out : the valleys , forests and mountains south of the village of Arette .
25 The facts need to be set out , and I am guided in setting out these facts by the useful chronology with which I have been provided .
26 Another boot which I have been impressed with is the Cima Vango , which gives a wide fit across the toes and is now produced with a highly water-resistant Anfibio leather .
27 That is not to say that it is enough to do deliberate actions which , in fact , obstruct ; there must be an intention that those actions should result in the further state of affairs to which I have been referring . ’
28 My first example , which is very well-known , exemplifies this point as well as a number of the other themes which I have been discussing .
29 I have given this Nayar material at some length because it exemplifies such a large number of the themes which I have been emphasizing throughout this book .
30 Political sociologists , in so far as they are not engaged in mainly descriptive and historical studies , now devote much of their effort either to analysing methodological problems of the kind which I outlined in the Introduction , or to reappraising and reinterpreting those nineteenth-century theories in which the ideas with which I have been concerned throughout this book — democracy , class , capitalism , socialism , the nation — were originally formulated and diffused .
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