Example sentences of "which have [be] done " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps they have read or heard of some of the research which has been done in this field in recent years , and it has opened up their minds .
2 I understand this theory and , while I am not able to disprove it , I feel that , in the light of all the research which has been done in more recent times , it leaves too many gaps which no one has yet been able to fill .
3 The whole carpeting of the building which has been done was that the consultants come in look at colour schemes and say this is what to do .
4 ‘ It is a shame that we are being penalised for something which has been done by the football club , but there does not seem to be anything we can do about it .
5 This is because the research which has been done has shown that nearly two out of three neurotic patients recover over time , without any therapy at all .
6 In this assessment of the sexual climate we may now look at some of the more reputable work which has been done in this country to analyse sexual experience and attitudes among our population .
7 The attribution of a particular ‘ legal ’ character to certain problems underlies the research which has been done into ‘ unmet legal need ’ for it is by no means every problem which requires the assistance of a lawyer in its resolution .
8 Since then , the directors have done little other than line their own pockets , award themselves enormous pay increases and indulge in dodgy share options , all of which has been done at the expense of the domestic customer , whose bill has gone up by 40 per cent .
9 This research aims to study the amount , patterns , and causes of the geographical mobility of population within Scotland during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and to compare the findings with work which has been done on other European countries , particularly England .
10 Despite the growth of research into everyday memory and memory in applied settings ( e.g. Gruneberg , Morris & Sykes , 1978 , 1988a , 1988b ) and the research and theorising which has been done over some 50 years on the psychology of driver behaviour , there has been virtually no research which directly looks at memory in driving .
11 And it 's a patch clamp recording which has been done in an inside-out patch , that is with the physiological inside of the membrane facing the bathing medium , so we have experimental control over what the er physiological inside of the membrane is seeing here .
12 M my view about this is that it 's it it is it is that this exercise is that it is er something which has been done very quickly and to my mind is not capable of providing the level of assessment that would be required .
13 Chairman of my all of the offices or er tremendous amount of work which has gone into the local report to the Committee , er but also to the tremendous amount of work which has been done behind the scenes which I know has been going on with er that is quite good for the officers erm looking at the budget er i in the line with what actually saying for them .
14 Many settlers found the presence of this armed and organized people on their doorstep unnerving — Delamere , who treated them with a lordly tolerance , conspicuously did not — and so , conscious of the injustice which had been done , did the administration .
15 Subsequent to the first survey , which had been done very rapidly , Lapworth had established that graptolites held the key to deciphering the succession of the folded and faulted Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the region .
16 I went on and delivered a fast three minutes of the cleanest material I had , most of which had been done to death already by every comic who went before me and would no doubt be done again by those who followed .
17 The apartment 's previous owners had hired an expensive interior designer from New York and ordered her to trick out the rooms in a horse-country olde-English Spy-Cartoons look , which had been done to extravagant perfection , but McIllvanney was none of those things .
18 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
19 Marshall continued , stressing the amount of work which had been done and offsetting , he hoped , the poor impression caused by his lightheartedness .
20 In 1977 Richard Roll 5 published an article which cast doubt on the validity and methodology of the CAPM tests which had been done up to that time .
21 Zoser , as rigid as Andrus and far less intelligent , had taken it upon himself to put right the wrong which had been done to his friend and his church .
22 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
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