Example sentences of "or if you have " in BNC.

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1 While parsnips , maincrop carrots , turnips and swedes are often left in the ground , covered with straw or leaves and dug as needed , they are better stored in boxes under cover if the soil is heavy and wet , or if you have a high soil pest population .
2 If you obviously can not get down ahead or if you have doubts about it , then you have no alternative but to turn off , but check your speed first !
3 If you find that you worry about the imagined outcome of the bout and fear the worst or if you have a racing pulse , then I would say you are over-aroused and in danger of throwing everything away .
4 If you have a story or issue you would like to see covered or if you have any enquiries about the programme please write to :
5 Or if you have three works which are performed live in PRS-licensed premises at least twelve times over the course of two years , you can also become a member of the society .
6 If the cold taps are fed directly from the mains , or if you have an instant water heater , seek further advice .
7 If you do not have enough of the right kinds of food , or if you have too many high-fat , high-sugar foods in the cupboard , it is difficult to keep strictly to a diet .
8 If you are looking after ageing relatives , or if you have young children , looking after an adult disabled dependant as well can add a heavy burden to an already crowded day .
9 You should change it if you believe that anyone else ( even a member of our staff or your family ) knows your number , or if you have difficulty in remembering the number you have been allocated .
10 This will be so where selection is for a ‘ trade union reason ’ , such as refusing to become or remain a member of a particular trade union ; or if you have been unjustifiably selected in contravention of a customary agreement or agreed procedure in respect of redundancies .
11 There are thought to be risks of developing cancer of the breast or lining of the womb as a result of HRT , and it is not recommended if there is a family history of heart disease , breast or womb cancer , or if you have high blood pressure , blood clotting problems , a heart disorder or gall bladder disease .
12 If you have n't owned a horse before , or if you have bought on impulse and later regretted it , it is worth taking a very logical approach .
13 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
14 Some sort of multi-compartment box is required , or if you have a lot of components to store it may be necessary to have several of these boxes .
15 Planning for the future care of your children can be particularly stressful if you are someone who wants to have as little as possible to do with social services and other authorities , or if you have had a bad experience with them in the past .
16 You may find yourself searching for meaning in life itself whatever your faith or if you have no specific faith .
17 Occasional breakdowns in the training may not be uncommon at this stage , and you should make sure that the litter tray is available overnight or if you have to leave the puppy for a short time during the day .
18 If you get any irritation — or if you have just overdone the sun a little — put three camomile teabags in your bath to soothe your skin .
19 If they do not seem to be doing too well , or if you have seen all you want to see , let the collected animals free again in the pond or other place from which you first took them .
20 Can you manage to stick to a weight-loss programme when you have defined a time period , i.e. the three weeks until your holiday , or if you have to fit into certain clothes for a special occasion which is soon to be upon you , and do you generally find it difficult to stick to a diet for a longer period
21 If you are dieting in the long term , you may need to take multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement ( e.g. Diet Balance ) — if you need to be on a weight-loss programme for more than 10 weeks , or if you have to rely on prepared reduced-calorie meals , and especially if you have any of the signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency .
22 There are also those old myths still around about when you do n't get pregnant — like if it 's your first time , or if you have sex infrequently , or if you do it standing up .
23 If you 've never skippered a yacht before , but you 've always wanted to , or if you have limited sailing experience , join Villa-Flotilla in Nidri .
24 For the up-to-minute mortgage information or if you have any enquiries about how to buy your home and require general advice , telephone Which Mortgage information service on 071 833 5566 .
25 Or if you have a number of outstanding debts , such as credit card charges and hire purchase deals , a remortgage can pay them all off at a much lower rate of interest to help you reduce your outgoings .
26 These will be offered to you when you first register with a doctor or if you have not seen your doctor for some time .
27 Anyone with a history of injuries ( or if you have already been skiing and suffered one ) will benefit from a session on their Cybex analysis machine ( £30 ) which sagely tests joint and muscular strength at different resistances .
28 So next time you see something wrong on the road , or in your street or if you have any traffic , roads or lighting enquiries , you know what to do .
29 You could experiment by commenting out the buffers=xx line in CONFIG.SYS to see whether buffering has much effect on your system , or if you have DOS 5.0 play with the secondary cache it provides .
30 ‘ It does not matter if you are the world champion or a top-ranking player or if you have just won two tournaments in a row .
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