Example sentences of "or who [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the Second World War is often regarded as the watershed of ‘ permissiveness ’ , then those with more educated tastes — who perhaps remember the precipitating crisis of the Public Order Act of 1936 and Mosley 's black shirts , or who might have read the descriptions of pre-war razor gangs in Graham Greene 's Brighton Rock — look back beyond the war before that , to the slumbering golden years of Edwardian England which is one of the most authoritative versions of the true location of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
2 Tradesmen who might overcharge or who might tamper with locks and window-catches to let burglars in .
3 Even the World Bank regularly despatches different missions to an individual country unaware of each others ' presence , or who may meet by accident in a permanent secretary 's outer office .
4 In our view , although the Code extends beyond the treatment of those in detention , what is clear is that it was intended to protect suspects who are vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers or who may believe themselves to be so .
5 Girls who secretly knew that they wanted a baby , or who may have been trying to have one , feel pleased and excited .
6 Hawkins collaborated with her brother Henry on Sermonets ( 1814 ) , ‘ Addressed to Those Who have not yet Acquired , or who may have lost , The Inclination to Apply the Power of Attention to Compositions of a Higher Kind ’ : her topics include female dress , female education , and ‘ the female Character of the present Age ’ , which begins with the fact that Christ chose to confide in women .
7 Detectives are appealing for anyone who knows anything about the matter or who may have seen the lorry to contact CID at Bessbrook , tel 838222 , immediately .
8 In addition , remember that within your own firm there will be people who have come from other law firms , who have an interest in technology or who may have contacts in the business .
9 There is the difficulty of calling witnesses who may have died , or gone abroad , or who may have been promised confidentiality .
10 Their spokesman said : ‘ We would like anyone who was on the train , or who may have information , to call us on 051-709 2120 . ’
11 Anyone who saw the woman 's silver-coloured Fiesta on Saturday or who may have seen the man thumbing a lift in the Northwich area , should contact Greater Manchester Police on 061 871 5050 .
12 How are those interests , the interests of all of us who may one day be patients of the health service , or who may become parents with children at school or at college , to be effectively represented ?
13 The House of Commons accepted him as a quiet , agreeable member of some substance , not the sort of man who would ever dominate in debate , or who would lead a school of thought , but a man who with three or four others might constitute a very effective block within his party to a course or an individual of which or whom they did not approve .
14 The spin-doctors turned out to be young men who would point out a Labour sticker in the window of a public library as evidence of the socialist canker , or who would remark that Neil Kinnock 's latest speech was the worst he had ever made .
15 The three used to compete with each other to see who could steal the best clothes or who would take the biggest risk .
16 Or who must feed you when your Father 's dead ? ’
17 At present , health benefits are available to people who are eligible because they are exempt or who must claim on low-income grounds .
18 The staff might have been helped by an outsider who could question those things that teachers generally take for granted ( for instance , by asking what they meant by their habitual use of the term ‘ bright children ’ ) , or who could suggest an appropriate range of evaluative techniques .
19 If it covers people who were clients before or who could become clients afterwards , it will be void .
20 A second group is made up of people who work , or who could work if they chose to , almost full-time and full-year-round in the industry .
21 it is no good squabbling over who is responsible or who should pay .
22 Or who will arrive at any terminus ,
23 It is all very well to say , as I am sure the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) will say — because it is what British Rail has said for months — that the great majority of passengers coming into King 's Cross on the channel tunnel trains will go to further destinations by public transport , but there will also be many hundreds of thousands of passengers in a year who will want to be met by friends in cars , who will want to get on to coaches if they are in large parties or who will want to take taxis .
24 They have no partner with whom to face middle or old age , or who will provide stability and companionship when they need it .
25 But one thing I 've learnt through life is do n't predict when a revolution will take place , or who will run it .
26 This does n't just mean doing a sedentary job but refers rather to the type of person ( who could well be a housewife , doing a basically non-sedentary type of job ) who calls the children to bring something from the next room rather than getting up herself , or who goes to great lengths to avoid journeys up and down stairs , or who will drive round for five minutes to find a parking spot near the exit of the car park rather than walk for two minutes …
27 You 'll need to spend longer with children who find role-play itself difficult , or who will work alone but not with others .
28 This is also a good opportunity to let them meet a permanent resident who might know them or who will chat to them .
29 Mass production has made fashion available to anyone who can get to their high street chain store or who can get hold of the latest mail order catalogue .
30 As long as you have solicitors who can be admitted to the Personal Injury Panel or who can apply to take a Legal Aid Board franchise , there is no reason why they should not have experienced legal executives working under their control .
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