Example sentences of "or he [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
2 Marc is apparently in Madrid or he would be up my drainpipe like a shot .
3 John himself was warned by the local Police Inspector not to speak at the square again or he would be arrested for speaking against the national interest .
4 Tyler 's love was only a passing thing , or he would be here now , loving her , helping to raise their son , and making her lonely life complete .
5 With the world 's transport systems not prepared to align themselves with Athletico training sessions or match kick-offs , Homstat was sometimes absent for weeks on end , giving team talks with the aid of an interpreter over the telephone , or he would be a lone , pathetic figure , sat in the dug-out on a wet Monday morning urging on thin air .
6 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
7 Now she had to sit in his boat or he would be insulted and she was glad to rest .
8 He might have the likely lads behind him : Pringle from Kenya , Foster from Colchester , Waugh from Sydney and various waifs and strays that Essex Man has housed ; or he may be ready to bat .
9 He might have the likely lads behind him : Pringle from Kenya , Foster from Colchester , Waugh from Sydney and various waifs and strays that Essex Man has housed ; or he may be ready to bat .
10 Or he may be so sick he ca n't get up .
11 Mr Smith may be very depressed or he may be having a nap .
12 Or he may be looking for a particular foodplant , or flower for nectar , searching for a special smell or a particular electromagnetic emission .
13 If you are not called in , you will be asked to leave the ring — do n't despair , another judge may like your horse or he may be more suitable for another type of class .
14 Or he may be planning to sell , in which case he can risk a dinner party without being trapped into intimacy .
15 She or he may be able to suppress the compulsion for months or even years , believing perhaps that there are more worthwhile , less selfish ways to spend one 's time .
16 Yes , she or he may be prosecuted .
17 It may be that the consul for the state of origin can serve documents only on nationals of his state , or he may be allowed to effect service on anyone in the area of his responsibility .
18 Dressing apraxia refers to difficulty in putting on clothes ; the patient may manipulate them haphazardly , unable to relate them spatially to his own body , or he may be unable to put them on in the correct sequence .
19 Perhaps his former master will allow him to continue to read his papers ; or he may be permitted to read the papers of another in his own chambers with whom he is on friendly terms .
20 No alarm as yet ; it 's quite possible that he 's gone for one of his walks or he may be shopping or just visiting someone , but I 'm concerned . ’
21 There may not be much room in the house you are sharing with your parents for a baby , perhaps , or he may be worried about money if you intend giving up work .
22 The other meaning uses plastered in the type of structure which we have introduced in the present section ; notice that it allows addition of to be ( and that it is parallel in its overall structure to ( 42 ) where there is a non-finite clause complete with subject , verb and object ) : ( 41 ) Clara wants the façade to be plastered ( 42 ) she wants the builders to plaster the façade Let us also take note of a subtle and rather interesting ambiguity , found in : ( 43 ) Oliver imagined her red-haired This may mean that Oliver is allowing himself to speculate on the effect of , let us say , adding a wig to a blonde lady of his acquaintance ( and this may therefore be called the " cosmetic " version ) ; or he may be trying to build a mental picture of someone he has never met ( the " unacquainted " version ) , in which case imagined could be replaced by supposed with very little alteration in the meaning of the whole .
23 His thinking , speech and movements may be slowed ( psychomotor retardation ) , or he may be tense and restless ( agitation ) .
24 Or he might be handed a file and a tiny silver tool with which to clean her toenails while she dozed in a chair .
25 Graham Taylor is hoping that Santa wo n't give away any goals to England 's World Cup opponents — or he might be given the sack .
26 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
27 He might be in or he might be out .
28 ‘ Do n't tell father that , ’ grinned Nellie , ‘ or he 'll be out on the next boat ! ,
29 ‘ He 'll have to learn quickly or he 'll be out , although I ca n't talk because I walked out of the club . ’
30 Or he 'll be round here , stamping and yelling and I have n't the strength for it . ’
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