Example sentences of "which [modal v] have done " in BNC.

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1 The National Curriculum subjects will therefore have to be given priority for resources , especially where schools have not offered the full curriculum to all pupils , or in primary schools which may have done little science and technology .
2 But he 'd sat there listening , with that sneering smile of his , drinking Ban 's claret as if he was doing the Braithwaites a great favour , while Ben , who 'd had his share of claret too , lamented the fall of the Whig government , which might have done something for the manufacturing classes , and the election of the land-owning Tories , that bunch of country squires like the Larks , who would not .
3 But this dark , draining story , which could have done with some cheerier moments , is a lot more stylish than that .
4 The draw ceremony was conducted seductively by Sophia Loren , operatically by Pavarotti , efficiently by Joseph Blatter , the Fifa general-secretary , and set against a background of studied chaos which would have done credit to a film by Fellini .
5 The 2-club competition was very popular , the Standard dryly commenting ‘ Much better cards were put in than anticipated , the winning ladies finished with scores which would have done them credit with a full bag of clubs ! ’
6 There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and if I had been working , I would have told him to buckle down — which would have done no good at all .
7 The ‘ impressive and general ’ wording of Article 23 was seen as demonstrating that the Convention would not have been a proper vehicle for a treaty which would have done the barely conceivable by giving other countries control over American litigation .
8 A variation order or some other delay caused by the client occurs at a time which does not cause additional delay or cost but which would have done so if the contractor had not already been behind schedule .
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