Example sentences of "which [modal v] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Police hunting the killer of a mother and her two children have discovered a body which may be that of the missing father Dennis Garvey .
2 Anything that er legally fundable erm will have to be done and published , which may be that .
3 Lord Cross accepted that the " significant proportion " test was the standard which the justices were required to apply , but stressed that " a significant proportion of a class means a part which is not numerically negligible but which may be much less than half . "
4 In areas where there are a number of pumice deposits present , all of them looking much the same , it 's clearly a difficult job to tell them apart and , more important , to recognize the same individual deposits in separate localities which may be many kilometres apart .
5 The danger of error increases with the length of the extrapolation , which may be many times the length of the segment to which the curve is fitted .
6 A load torque 7L displaces the rotor front the demanded position and introduces a static position error , which may be many ministeps .
7 For example , during an instrument let-down you will have to maintain a rate of descent on your final approach which may be any figure up to 1000 ft/min .
8 This experiment uses a pair of old-type telephone handsets to set up a two-way analogue communication link over copper wires between two points which may be several hundred metres apart .
9 Like the other horse strongyles , the pathogenic effect of these worms is damage to the large intestinal mucosa from the feeding habits of the adult parasites ; in particular , T. tenuicollis , whose adults feed in groups and cause the formation of large deep ulcers which may be several centimetres across ( P1.III ) .
10 Normal sunlight , of course , contains a proportion of UV which may be enough to turn the etch-resist .
11 He might justifiably refuse to guarantee a full return to health in the near future yet still be prepared , if asked , to express a reasonable degree of confidence about your recovery prospects which should be enough to satisfy many employers .
12 Public relations is thus concerned with a company or brand reputation which must be such that it gives people confidence in the company , providing the company with total credibility .
13 In this simple approach to open.loop control there are three basic control functions : ( a ) stepping rate : sets the motor speed , which must be less than the start/stop rate , ( h ) phase sequencing : ensures that the motor phases are excited in the order corresponding to the required direction of rotation , ( c ) step counting : records the number of steps taken by the motor and inhibits the step commands when the target position is attained .
14 We had three managers in one day , which must be some sort of record .
15 Mutis ' volumes began to come out only in 1954 , which must be some kind of record ; in this case the explanation was the various political vicissitudes of the century and a half following his death .
16 These basic requirements were not often met , and teachers were confronted with , and expected to adopt , ideas which might be little more than expressions of officially endorsed belief .
17 And these tiny , mullioned windows in their deep embrasures which let in the light so strangely , shadows like dark brown varnish suddenly filtered through by thin beams of light which might be any colour from silver to amber .
18 Some brands of biscuits are made with wholemeal flour or oats and slightly less sugar , which might be some improvement on your usual brand .
19 The value of the trait ( which might be some such quantitative variable as size ) is measured in the offspring and their parents : if the values are correlated then ( provided that the offspring have not been reared in a similar environment to their parents ) the trait is heritable. ( b ) by artificial selection .
20 In the second case , however , compulsory acquisition at less than market price involves an actual loss since the owner is not only deprived of his property but is also compensated at a price which might be less than he paid for it and would almost certainly be insufficient to purchase a similar parcel of land in the open market .
21 Hutton , 68 yesterday , struggled to an 82 for 150 , which could be several shots below the total at which the field will be reduced to 64 golfers , and ties for the knockout stage beginning tomorrow .
22 The two cities indirectly hold more than 17 per cent and 10 per cent of MBB which could be enough to stop the merger , observers said .
23 If big cats in zoos are ever offered the meat of surplus pot-bellies , they are said to turn up their noses — which could be another advantage in a pig raised in tiger country .
24 So any time a supervisor appears , which could be any time , you might get a token , okay ?
25 Any pattern can be designed in just two colours , which would be all that is needed if you want to create punchcard or Mylar charts for tuck , slip , weaving and so on .
26 Instead of taking up the normal position from which to look at Los Angeles — which would be that of a driver — Adams adopts the role of a botanist , or perhaps a botanical historian looking for traces of the Eden that Southern California is well attested to have been 80 years ago : " live oaks on the hills , orchards across the valleys , and ornamental cypress , palms , and eucalyptus lining the roads " .
27 Most experts agree , however , that the figure is nearer 60,000 to 65,000 cycles per second , which would be enough to hear most prey sounds .
28 I said , ‘ There is money abroad , which would be enough to satisfy these people .
29 We were in standard seven , the highest class , which meant we could leave school early , when we were thirteen , which would be another eighteen months at least for me .
30 This consumption relationship in its simplest form is often expressed as : where a is some constant consumption irrespective of income levels , and b is some fraction of additional income ( known as the marginal propensity to consume ) which would be less than 1 but greater than zero for the community as a whole .
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