Example sentences of "which [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence there are books on many library shelves which may eventually have to be withdrawn , with or without litigation , not because of their content but because of their intent .
2 Mr Cash and his Friends of Bruges seem to want to fight a battle against federalism today which may not have to be fought at all .
3 Secondly , the tests may produce inconclusive results , or expose some minor defects which may not have the effect of causing mental or physical handicap , but which may affect the child .
4 Many different social sciences — economics , geography and sociology in particular — show how individually intended actions combine to produce social outcomes which may not have been the intentions of the actors .
5 You will be faced with one or more prompts , words followed by a colon , eg TRANSFER : which may not have responses already filled in .
6 As things are , President de Klerk 's hasty initiatives might have solved some of our problems , but they have certainly created others — problems which may not have abated but could well have intensified come 1995 .
7 In doing so , it is important that the counsellor tries to extract the feeling within the statement , which was real , rather than the literal meaning of the words , which may not have been .
8 In the absence of such a general right many multilateral treaties have accession clauses to encourage wide participation ( especially from among States which may not have had treaty-making capacity at the time of the treaty 's conclusion ) .
9 Black minorities have frequently been casualties of rules and procedures which may not have been intended to discriminate against them but which , in effect , do so and there is considerable resistance when the hitherto taken-for-granted procedures are brought into question .
10 In the trade credit sector , Infolink 's customer base has grown , as many companies — which may not have used credit information when times were good — have become far more careful about offering credit to customers or suppliers .
11 We often get enquiries from companies which may not have resources to sponsor a tournament , but are anxious to become involved with women 's golf , so we suggest a player sponsorship .
12 An anonymous memorandum sent to Rome just after his death accused him of storing up great wealth and even of having profited from the neglect of the episcopal estates , accusations which can not be substantiated but which may not have been complete fabrications .
13 And we should perhaps add to this list of discourses the critical one which organises an anecdote , which may not have taken place at all , to re-iterate a point about Shakespeare and power .
14 Obtaining office copy entries ( as opposed to furnishing merely a copy of the registered title ) is advisable as it reveals at an early stage whether or not there is a second charge which may not have been disclosed to the husband 's solicitors .
15 The epidemics of the hot , dry summers of the 1890s probably obscured an underlying decline in infant mortality which may already have begun by the 1880s .
16 In the majority of cases however , the valuation engagement will be value added , where the firm uses information , which may already have been the subject of validation , enquiry and analytical procedures or information gathering work , to derive a conclusion in the form of an estimated value or range of values for a particular purpose .
17 It is quite unlike the Trojan origin which may already have been attributed to the Franks as a result of imperial diplomacy , and suggests that the Merovingian dynasty did not come to the fore as a result of its connections with Rome .
18 Moreover , it seemed ironic that South Africa 's reimmersion in the Test arena should be marred by such a local show of disaffection , a boycott naive and myopic in concept and of no relevance to racial reform in the Republic , which may yet have repercussions in the Caribbean game as a whole .
19 This troublesome invisibility in the material record is often inversely related to its semantic value , and activity which may well have a central place in the police model of reality can well remain beyond the grasp of the outsider .
20 The fact that a sociologist was witnessing the interviews make it all the more certain they would be conducted with scrupulous care , but there was no way he would be given access to the extra-legal deals which may well have gone on outside the interview room or later during a prison visit for ‘ write-offs ’ .
21 On checking artists , names appended it appears that up to 1756 Jeffreys did most of the engraving for Figures of Plants but thereafter his name disappears except for the odd plate , which may well have been made earlier .
22 The first is that the NRC co-ordinates strategy and the deployment of officers on a national basis in consultation with the Home Office , which may well have keen political interests in the matter to hand .
23 It 's good , too to welcome a performance of the Litolff which may well have been over-played in the past but which still deserves an occasional outing .
24 In a publication such as a pamphlet , which may well have no separate title-page , the title often appears as a dropped head on the opening page of the text .
25 Yes this colourful expedition requires rather more than the obligatory three points of contact , but it 's well worth seeking out , despite the alarm bells which may well have been triggered by now in the more squeamish reader .
26 Most probably the Linear A inscriptions are in the pre-Hellenic language of the Minoans , which may well have been related to languages spoken in south-west Anatolia , such as Luvian or Hittite .
27 This is an expectation which may well have been frustrated in the experimental situation .
28 On the rare occasions when French and Vietminh met and when local concessions might have helped at least to improve the atmosphere — for example the release of hostages taken by Vietminh — the Vietminh for their part denied all knowledge that any had been taken while violent incidents were either attributed to the forces outwith their control , which may well have been true , or else to the anger of the people which , again , may have been true but did not improve matters .
29 J. G. Frazer further suggests that the story of Jacob 's dream ( which was deemed so extremely significant that the spot on which it took place was henceforth sanctified in the Jewish religion ) " was probably told to explain the immemorial sanctity of Bethel , which may well have been revered by the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan long before the Hebrews invaded and conquered the land " .
30 This submission appears to me to suggest a way of making more effective proceedings in Parliament by allowing the court to consider what has been said in Parliament as an aid to resolving an ambiguity which may well have become apparent only as a result of the attempt to apply the enacted words to a particular case .
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