Example sentences of "which [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 In particular , they would oppose anything which smacked of the corporatist state .
2 This was the period when admirers of ‘ trad ’ adopted a purist stance , listened rather than danced and frowned on anything slick or commercial or which smacked of the professional dance band .
3 In January 1859 , however , the cause of press reform took a turn for the worse when the tsar appointed a Committee on Press Affairs which smacked of the committee of 1848 .
4 At the end of the conference the participants decided to make a collective appeal to Boris Yeltsin which warns of the extreme seriousness of the situation and of the danger that government funding for Russia 's museums could die out .
5 And there followed a paragraph in smaller script : ‘ Derived by the inductive method from studies of the lives of famous and infamous men and women , past and present , and including a new Universal Alphabet which disposes of the conflict between the ‘ Hebrew ’ and the ‘ Modern ’ systems . ’
6 The dissenters who met in these new places of worship belonged to a Puritan tradition which disapproved of the decoration of churches , and the interiors of meeting-houses were thus kept bare and plain .
7 This follows representations by the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association ( BHRCA ) which learnt of the proposed change in May .
8 She had earlier written a report called ‘ Facing the Unbelievable ’ , which told of the ritual abuse of children .
9 But even the most rudimentary reading of his many surviving letters will reveal passages which speak of the pleasures of reading with or to Mrs Moore .
10 There are innumerable passages in both the Jewish and Christian scriptures which speak of the ineffable greatness and holiness of God .
11 Situated around the base of each wing is a variable number of articular sclerites which consist of the tegulae , the humeral plate and the axillaries ( Fig. 27 ) .
12 As a result , vadose compaction of unconsolidated grains took place , which consisted of the preferential leaching of grains at their points of contact until all intergranular porosity had been destroyed and a tight polygonal texture had been created ( Fig. 16c ; Clark 1980a ) .
13 The Girls were also included in the finale which consisted of the 150 music hall artistes presenting Variety 's Garden Party .
14 The lords agreed to this proposal immediately , and established a new council which consisted of the Archbishop of Canterbury , William of Wykeham Bishop of Winchester , and eight of those who had been appointed to the advisory committee , including March , Arundel and Stafford .
15 In order to implement and oversee the project as a whole , a Project Coordinating Team was established which consisted of the Principal Adviser for Educational Resources , the Assistant County Librarian ; Education and Special Services ( formerly the Principal Assistant Librarian : Young People and Education ( PAL:YPE ) , the Senior County Inspector ( English ) , and the Tutor in Charge , County Language and Reading Centre , Essex Institute ( Brentwood ) .
16 Sharma , backed by the Congress ( I ) , gained 64.78 per cent of the total votes of the electoral college ( which consisted of the elected members of both houses of parliament and the state legislatures ) , defeating his nearest rival , G. G. Swell , the BJP-National Front candidate who polled 33.21 per cent .
17 Although the PDM held fewer seats than Namaliu 's Pangu Pati , Wingti successfully constructed a coalition which consisted of the PDM , the People 's Progress Party ( PPP ) , and the League for National Advancement ( LNA ) — which had formerly participated in the Pangu-led government of Namaliu — together with a majority of the many independent MPs .
18 Chairman Sir Denys Henderson attempted to laugh off the company 's poor performance by cracking jokes with the audience , which consisted of the best that world journalism could throw at him .
19 Instead it retains its relentless , forceful spirit — an ideal background to the tenor aria which sings of the breaking of the Lord 's enemies with a rod of iron , dashing them to pieces like a potter 's vessel .
20 Richard Knolles , writing in 1603 , refers to the ‘ country songs ’ of the Serbs which tell of the alleged duplicity of the faithless George Branković who betrayed Christendom to the Turks .
21 read the following judgment of the court , prepared by Brooke J. In these two cases we have been invited to determine , as preliminary issues , the capacity in which judges of the High Court are acting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court to determine appeals against orders by which barristers are to be disbarred or suspended from practice by their Inns .
22 The purpose of this book is to look at the ways in which judges of the High Court , the Court of Appeal , and the House of Lords have in recent years dealt with political cases which have come before them .
23 We opt to check out the Boogie rig , which consists of the 12 6L6-powered 400+ head at £1385 , accompanied by a cab containing 2x15s , at £745 .
24 One of the products is helium-3 which consists of the two protons bound to a single neutron ; the spare neutron from the original gang of four particles speeds off .
25 Each such directory is only accessible to the student who owns it , and to a group called ‘ marker ’ , which consists of the markers .
26 Also shown is the latest in a continuing project ( shown at last year 's Documenta ) which consists of the making of blank , all-over wash drawings in the precise measurements of all of Edouard Manet 's documented paintings ( he 's up to No. 160 out of a total of 556 ) .
27 An entry mechanism at the plasma membrane , which regulates the supply of calcium to the second component , the oscillator itself , which consists of the calcium stores that have either the RYRs or IP 3 Rs responsible for CICR .
28 The simplest examples in the passages are the pattern in ( 11 ) - ( 13 ) which consists of the + NJ , the N , the NJ , the N the N and the pattern in ( 10 ) consisting of some in N , some in N ; in both of these the noun ( N ) is the only variable element .
29 There is a page set aside for each day which consists of the following : your daily diet sheet some key facts a weight and symptom chart .
30 GRE forms a major component in the formula for determining the actual resource allocation , or the Block Grant ( £8.5 milliards in England for 1985/6 ) , which consists of the transfer from Central Government to augment the income that is derived from property rates .
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