Example sentences of "which [verb] have be " in BNC.

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1 The special circumstances of territorial displacement and the withdrawal of adult supervision , which appear to have been more pronounced in Britain than in other parts of western Europe where the family is stronger as a recreational unit , have made the problem worse here than elsewhere ; this has led to the formation of the ‘ ends ’ which in turn has tended to attract a small fascist and psychotic fringe .
2 Perambulations which appear to have been made pursuant to these instructions are extant for the counties of Buckingham , Cumberland , Huntingdon , Oxford , Shropshire , Yorkshire and Wiltshire .
3 SCIENTISTS have launched an investigation into the fate of partridges which appear to have been harmed by the increasing amount of land being set aside by farmers and allowed to lie fallow .
4 His first publication , a humorous but unsophisticated story entitled ‘ How I built myself a house ’ , published in Chambers 's Journal in March 1865 , was originally written for the amusement of colleagues during afternoons which appear to have been all too idle .
5 It appears to establish three categories : the first contains wordings generally agreed to be acceptable , the second wordings which appear to have been at some time problematic but are now acceptable , and the third wordings which remain inadmissible .
6 This consisted of a carefully buried wooden box containing a collection of bronzes which appear to have been associated with a religious site .
7 Such diverse construction methods are not confined to particular types of building but rather reflect questions of cost and regional traditions which appear to have been relatively pronounced in Roman Britain .
8 Death was the result of sepsis , bowel infarction , and renal failure none of which appear to have been readily preventable in retrospect .
9 He says that the one they 're working on at the moment has bodies which appear to have been buried in a great hurry .
10 All we are left with are a few opening chapters ( published as Coots in the North , edited by Hugh Brogan ) , and notes towards an encounter between two sets of pirates , the Death and Glories and the Amazons , which promised to have been a battle royal .
11 He puzzled over the dates on the backs of photographs , most of which seemed to have been taken in May , and he tried to get from his aunts the precise age gap between his parents and between his mother and Uncle Stanley .
12 He stopped to look at the house and saw below it , on the shore , a large rectangular basin which seemed to have been blasted out of the rock at the foot of the cliff .
13 There were several rooms , all in good condition , which seemed to have been rented out though I was aware that they remained my responsibility .
14 But no boy could fail to notice the hollows of his cheeks , which seemed to have been scooped out in deep , dark channels , or his eyes , which were ringed round with black , and bleary , and haunted .
15 He had been careful not to tear her dress , but everything else seemed to be ruined irrevocably , not the least the inward psyche of Sally-Anne herself , which seemed to have been raped more than her body , if that were possible .
16 Ultimately , 10 ( 6% ) patients from within the whole group had further surgery the nature of which seemed to have been influenced by the results of the test .
17 ( 3 ) A document which bears to have been executed by the Funding Council in accordance with sub-paragraph ( 2 ) above shall , in relation to such execution , be a probative document if the subscription of the document bears to have been attested by at least one witness .
18 The examples of threatened buildings and open spaces covered in the next eighteen sections are just a very small selection of cases with which SAVE has been involved .
19 Millett J had to deal with the argument that it would be a breach of the covenant if the defendant were during the remainder of the period of restraint , to solicit any business of any kind from any company which happened to have been a customer of the plaintiff company during the relevant period .
20 ( To both Leonard 's and his mother 's regret , sadly ; another of those alienating-reconciling events which seem to have been characteristic of this family . )
21 In this case , however , though the style is recognizably Hitlerian ( apart from the accompanying specific instructions for implementing the boycott , which seem to have been composed by Goebbels ) , the ‘ appeal ’ was signed collectively by ‘ the Party Leadership ’ .
22 I was enthralled , driving through rural Moravia , Bohemia and Hungary , to see houses which seem to have been preserved almost unchanged since their heyday .
23 In contrast to some systems which seem to have been designed for gadget freaks , GEC 's control panel is simplicity itself .
24 In east Germany and Prussia , for example , the peasant was not quite so poor as elsewhere , but he was disciplined to the estate by legal devices which seem to have been as powerful a stimulus to rural emigration as poverty .
25 Agricultural produce flowed into it from the surrounding rural territory , some from estates which seem to have been owned by the temple , the rest in the form of tribute or offerings from the owners of private estates .
26 If one could select those areas where there appears to be the largest proportion of sites which seem to have been affected , they are in Hampshire , Hertfordshire and north Kent , possibly indicating that they suffered the greatest disturbance .
27 Kept going only by subsidies , it was wound up in 1846 in circumstances which seem to have been anything but harmonious .
28 ‘ There were quite a few interesting pieces , notably miniatures from children 's sets , which seem to have been popular in Holland in those earlier periods . ’
29 However , Hermann says that he was generous to them , and the Bury Psalter and the Bury Gospels , both of which seem to have been produced in Christ Church Canterbury , were possibly commissioned by him as gifts .
30 Between these triangles lie the four arms of the saltire , all of which seem to have been divided into three zones : two lozenges enclosing pentagonal devices with two heart-shaped petals , and a pentagonal area which contains a pelta-urn .
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