Example sentences of "or [conj] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now there 's a new twist : how come we can know when a missile is even threatening to fall on Tel Aviv or Riyadh or Dharan , yet remain ignorant of when the next train will leave Waterloo station — or where it is heading ?
2 Further procedures which may be undertaken in cases where more detailed information is needed or where it is suspected that there may be serious problems with vision include the visually evaluated response ( VER ) and the electroretinogram ( ERG ) .
3 A range of options for recording achievement may be adopted whenever there is no purpose to be served by deriving a single total score from the items on the test , or where it is not necessary to rank the examinees in order of merit .
4 I refer here to cases in which sexual behaviour or play with other children becomes obsessive in nature and frequency — or where it is imposed against the wishes of other children involved ; cases in which masturbation becomes a near-total preoccupation , or is carried out in circumstances which make it an aggressive act or one of attention-seeking ; or those in which the very nature of sexual activity shows that its implications are fully understood regardless of age .
5 Questions relating to an offence may not be put to a person after he has been charged with that offence , or informed that he may be prosecuted for it , unless they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to some other person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement , or where it is in the interests of justice that the person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed that he might be prosecuted .
6 It is his mysterious wind , which man can not get under his own tidy control : as Nicodemus was reminded by Jesus , ‘ The wind ( pneuma ) blows where it will , and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going .
7 They must provide cover for absent colleagues for up to three days , though this can be extended for a teacher whose classroom teaching duties occupy less than three-quarters of his or her working week , or where it is not ‘ reasonably practical ’ for a supply teacher to be found to replace the absent colleague .
8 Where the demised property is unusual either in size or in character , or where it is so valuable that small points have large financial consequences , determination by arbitration may be the better method since there will be an opportunity for full argument .
9 Of course , where the money is no longer legal tender as seen with half crown coins and sixpences in R v Thompson [ 1980 ] QB 229 , or where it is being transferred because of its curiosity value ( Moss v Hancock [ 1899 ] 2 QB 111 ) , or because of its inherent value such as Krugerrands , in these circumstances " money " can be considered to be " goods " for the purposes of the statutory definition .
10 In some cases 100 per cent would be levied , but in others a lower rate would be more appropriate in order to encourage development ‘ on account of economic conditions in the country generally , or in particular areas where unemployment is above the average ’ , or where it was important to secure ‘ a particular piece of development now , instead of in , say , twenty years ’ .
11 Thus , it does not apply where the evidence establishes the existence of a collateral contract ; where it can be shown that the document was not intended as a complete record of the contract terms ; where its existence or operation was dependent upon some prior unexpected stipulation ; or where it was procured by some illegality or misrepresentation .
12 Not only was she still ignorant of which palazzo she was in , or where it was , but she also did n't even know the name of the person she was waiting for .
13 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
14 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
15 If a work is bigger than a man , he wrote , it can mean either that it is trying to surpass man or that it is not afraid of being looked at .
16 One can then choose to say either that it constitutes the difference by virtue of having a particular internal ‘ feel ’ associated with it , or that it is itself the difference , simpliciter .
17 It is this : saying that the character of ‘ mental representations ’ ( beliefs and imaginings , for example ) can be understood only in terms of a history of activity , or that it is the subject 's conception of himself as active in relation to the world which gives these ‘ representations ’ their ‘ content ’ or ‘ semantics ’ ( I hope to have shown something like this ) is simply irrelevant to the mind-body problem .
18 Politicians must never make the mistake of thinking the state must always know best , or that it is entitled to the lion 's share of people 's money .
19 No wonder that the heads of Deutsche Bank or Dresdener Bank today have the Chancellor 's ear' : or that it is impossible to acquire German banks .
20 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
21 Such a detailed description of the Charing Cross collective bureau is not intended to imply recommendation of a collective structure or that it is without problems .
22 Neither is it a defence to claim that best practicable means have been taken to abate or prevent the odour complained of from arising , or that it is emitted during the exercise of a business or trade in a reasonable or proper manner .
23 During the 1970s several teams attempted to refute this claim , arguing that the connection is a figment of Arp 's imagination , that it is an optical illusion caused by the overlap of isophotes ( light contours ) from the two objects , or that it is an illusion caused by a star or galaxy which just happens to be located between the two objects .
24 If there are difficulties in claiming that ahi sā is the right way in all circumstances and that the way of violence can never lead to Truth , there are similar difficulties in assuming that no violation of moral duty is involved in the practice of satyāgraha , or that it is only through the practice of satyāgraha that we show ourselves to be informed by the spirit of Truth and non-violence .
25 We might believe that life is full of struggle and hardship , or that it is a delightful , challenging and exciting journey .
26 Or that it is saintly to suffer ?
27 Even married couples working for the same firm can be fired if the boss can prove that their relationship makes their employment impractical , or that it is against company policy .
28 It could be that your plant is in the wrong spot , or that it is a young plant which has yet to reach the flowering stage .
29 Thus , if we operate on traditional assumptions about the nature of law we are left with a political strategy in relation to international law which assumes either that law is effective ( by definition ) or that it is potentially effective ( so that while it may not deserve the name ‘ law ’ it is at least potentially deserving of that description ) .
30 Supposedly grown-up people that believe human beings can not practise safe sex and contraception , or that it is right to deny a 14-year-old girl who has been raped an abortion because it would be morally wrong in the eyes of God , are not living in the real world .
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