Example sentences of "or [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Myself and my family have never seen it in our travels , bridges or or pelican crossings or subways would be provided instead .
2 Do you think young men think at all about looking after children or or or child care ?
3 And we take out contingency plans fo for various things , you 'll take out insurance , er against your house being broken into , against there being a fire or something else , you 'll take out insurance policies , or or assurance policies against your life , so that your dependants will be provided for , you 'll take out pe , er pension plans so that in your old age when you 're not working you 'll have sufficient money to live on .
4 I mean who wants to get a paper and see on the front of the paper a girl or or Lady Diana crying over her father .
5 Or or tomato sauce for the pasta , she 'll freeze it in indiv individual portions , but Kerry at home like , they 've got some real frozen meals , and they do do rely heavily on convenience foods , which we do n't really .
6 another mistake in the film was to suggest that in a a short franchise , say of seven years they would need a great deal of working capital , but they wo n't need a great deal of working capital or or share capital , they will actually be running a business where they get subsidy , because if er they 're involving socially necessary lines , like commuter lines , or or rural lines , then we 've made it very clear er that the taxpayers subsidy will continue , because these are loss making businesses , they will be bid they will bid for subsidy , and they will continue to get that subsidy , so they will have the flow of whatever income they can increase , in the passenger franchise , plus the subsidy , plus , and this is a very important point in what we 're doing in the restructuring of British Rail , you see , nobody up till now has said that British Rail is perfect , everyone acknowledges that there are big improvements to be made , the way we 're structuring it will get those improvements because the smaller franchises , not the great big monolithic nationalized industry , the smaller units , ha will be able to identify much more clearly where they can make the savings and where they can increase the revenue .
7 Because one of the Liberal Democrat experiments in Tower Hamlets er devolving real power , real power to area councils or or community councils
8 Conveniently , since 1983 or so p/e ratios in Japan have been high , reaching a peak of 60–70% in late 1989 compared with 12–15% in America and Britain , suggesting a big gap in capital costs .
9 Or that London bobbies were too often to be found whispering sweet nothings to kitchen maids , and tucking into pastries in servants ' quarters on foggy nights , when they should have been out walking the beat .
10 Eve had n't known that Mr Burns in the hardware shop was inclined to take to the drink or that Dr Johnson had a very bad temper and was heard shouting about God never putting a mouth into the world that he did n't feed .
11 It is not possible for example to predict that Mr Smith will have a heart attack or that Mrs Williams will fall over in the snow and break her leg .
12 Now it may be quite legitimate to point out that this or that minority group has vested interests which run counter to the interest or good of the great majority .
13 The news of this or that Abu Dhabi family was given .
14 What happens there is that a ‘ really gay ’ reading of Coward is put into play , much as I have already done with Brief Encounter , but on the grounds that a homosexual writer can only write about homosexuality ( analogous cases would be the insistence that Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is ‘ really ’ about a gay couple , or that Tennessee Williams 's Blanche Dubois is nothing but a transposed drag queen ) .
15 One can not say , for example , that Oftel decided something by a narrow vote' or that personnel changes in an individual agency will change the approach . ’
16 The result , of course , is that while RAI presents basketball or football with an advertising ratio not unlike British commercial television , the private networks are forever interrupting events to inform viewers that the penalty was brought to you by the Galbani Salami company or that Nigel Mansell 's dash from pole position is nothing but a gift from the state oil conglomerate .
17 He can say that according to the correct elaboration the snail darter is saved ( or abandoned ) by the law or that Mrs. McLoughlin is compensated ( or denied compensation ) .
18 No , I did not mean that Dan Quayle is about to leap to his feet to make a key-note speech , or that Clive James is considering a follow-up television interview with Mrs Reagan .
19 Whether you believe that the planet Earth is a living , breathing superorganism or that James Lovelock 's Gaia is merely a ‘ poetic metaphor ’ probably does n't matter .
20 I could however moan on about the likelihood of anyone ever wanting to listen to this collection straight through at one sitting , or that Miss Battle could have done rather more in the way of characterising each aria ( and her diction is also hardly crystal clear ) .
21 He looked like a man who had just found that his tax returns had been filled in by Ken Dodd 's accountant , or that Kitty Kelley was going to write his biography .
22 No convention decides either that Mrs. McLoughlin has a right to compensation for her emotional injury or that Mr. O'Brian has a right not to be made to pay it .
23 Mr Heslop said there was no evidence to support Mr Venables ' claim that Mr Sugar had agreed there should be a ‘ balanced board ’ to protect his position ; or that Mr Sugar had agreed to be a non-executive chairman ; or that each had agreed not to try to force the other off the board .
24 He will know the traditional way to announce titles , that Mr and Mrs John Smith are husband and wife , Mrs John Smith is without her husband John who is away on business , Mrs Anne Smith is a widow , or that Mr John Smith and Mrs Anne Smith are the elderly aunt and uncle , brother and sister , not married to each other .
25 No one imagined that Mr Bush would intervene as abruptly as he did , or that Mr Kaifu would go off to Palm Springs without so much as a by-your-leave to the party barons .
26 With respect to the reason for Molla Fenari 's going on the pilgrimage , he writes that an invasion of Edirne and its environs by the combined forces of Seyh Bedreddin and Duzme Mustafa led Molla Fenari to seek permission to go on the pilgrimage , though it is not clear whether Husameddin means that simply the fact of the invasion or that Molla Fenari 's supposed complicity with Seyh Bedreddin led him to decide to " remove himself from the scene : in any case both the circumstances and the chronology of events in the period are too uncertain to allow one to evaluate the argument properly .
27 She did n't know the promised ‘ exhibition ’ had been only a trick to get her niece to come to Venice , or that Michele Diomede was also Peter Sebastian , and she did n't known about Didi Lombard .
28 You could have said The Beatles were too much of a Liverpool band or that Woody Allen is too New York .
29 Even SCO insiders are speculating on the possibility that Novell could pick up where USL left off or that Microsoft Corp , which already owns a minority piece of SCO , could come back for more .
30 Despite this there are still rumours that the banks may remove Eurotunnel from the project altogether , or that Alastair Morton will be replaced as the British co-chairman .
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