Example sentences of "or [verb] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 But the beats are divided or shared out into three .
2 Because BT was not restructured or broken down into more manageable units which might compete with one another ( the US solution to their phone giant AT & t ) , competition between giant BT and tiny Mercury is unlikely to constrain BT much .
3 But if Russia falls into anarchy or lurches back into despotism the price that we pay could be frightening . ’
4 Since kitchens tend to be positioned at the back of the house , they are often in an ideal situation for extending into the back garden , or knocking through into a corridor or back room to create a more useful space .
5 My minute will be burnt , or composted , or trodden down into mulch , into humus , into peat , into soft coal , into hard .
6 Its heroes do not characteristically commit suicide or ride off into the sunset : they settle down , marry , and make comfortable and elaborate treaties with the world they live in .
7 or going down into Ipswich with your mum and coming up with grandpa .
8 Well , every time I come off it , or get back into it , I 've learned something new about meself , like .
9 Or shovelled off into the Old Folks like me .
10 Such bits and pieces considered as perquisites could either be disposed of directly or worked up into articles to be sold .
11 During the turn-off , there is time for a reassessment of the height remaining relative to trees and buildings , and a decision has to be made either to continue turning to make a low circuit , or to turn back into wind after using up a little more height ( this is known as an S-turn ) .
12 If you go to the racecourse you can bet at the course 's own betting shop or go out into the ‘ betting ring ’ where bookmakers have odds chalked up on boards .
13 If you tend to throw things , put objects away or go out into the garden .
14 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
15 Every culture , however imperfectly and blindly , either turned towards the light or fell back into the darkness .
16 And be prepared to change your job or to branch out into more unusual and stimulating areas .
17 Before sunset ( and particularly if a shower is expected ) each row can be raked into a large number of small cocks , or rowed up into narrow swathes .
18 We are told that Russia will disintegrate , or split up into separate republics , but we have no reason to fear this .
19 First , problems are so complex that they are normally factored , or split up into separate problems , each of which can potentially be tackled by a sub-organization .
20 Young people who have completed GCSEs at 16 can choose whether to stay on at school or college , or come out into the labour market and , possibly , take an entitlement to YT .
21 Each year straw equivalent to 3.6 million tonnes of coal is wasted , usually burnt in the field or ploughed back into the ground .
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