Example sentences of "or [noun] [v-ing] them " in BNC.

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1 In addition , formal parameters are local to the procedure or function declaring them .
2 I would like to establish contact with anyone who may have information or data regarding them and their service .
3 In addition to the barristers in practice , a considerable number have used the Bar as a stepping stone or crutch leading them on to other things .
4 In several primary schools children are working together at ‘ turtle geometry ’ projects in which they set their own goals and spend several days or weeks achieving them .
5 Not infrequently two or more adjacent cells may become confluent owing to the atrophy of the vein or veins separating them .
6 Since , for the relativist , the criteria for judging the merits of theories will depend on the values or interests of the individual or community entertaining them , the distinction between science and non-science will vary accordingly .
7 It undeniably happens to be the case that these phenotypic effects have largely become bundled up into discrete vehicles , each with its genes disciplined and ordered by the prospect of a shared bottleneck of sperms or eggs funnelling them into the future .
8 Guarantees are , however , only as good as the people or businesses giving them .
9 They cost a great amount of money and represent substantial investments to the organizations or people sponsoring them .
10 SERB warlords were last night warned to keep their planes away from Bosnia or risk having them blasted out of the sky .
11 Thereafter an employee is rotated through several sections or jobs making them more of a generalist rather than a specialist in one skill .
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