Example sentences of "or [noun] [conj] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 Er minding motors outside the Arms and the Bridge Hotel every night , maybe only get sixpence or sevenpence cos there was n't that many cars about at the time .
2 Students using the libraries are advised that examination papers can not be borrowed or photocopies but there are sets available for consultation .
3 This sounds logical , but when I look at the Sega or Nintendo where there 's no piracy , you still have to pay a fortune for one single game .
4 Entries , which must not exceed 2,000 words , can be on any subject , fact or fiction and there is a separate section for poetry .
5 There will no longer be a requirement to include an accountant 's report in listing particulars or circulars unless there has been a significant change in the company 's financial position within the last three financial years , or its accounts in any of those three years have been qualified .
6 But you 've now got a new wife or girlfriend and there 's a new child to look after and the money wo n't stretch .
7 Heather 's film would have led him there even if intuition had not , for the next picture on it was of some kind of school or college and there was one member of the Tyrrell Society 's inner circle , the circle in which Heather had been vitally interested whatever Cunningham might believe to the contrary , still unaccounted for .
8 It is only in embryonic forms of thought , or professional fields trying to establish themselves ( paramedical areas ) , or subjects where there is a lot of infighting ( sociology ) , where the standards of critical judgement come up for much review .
9 can a radically different work still be carried on under a single heading or department when there is not just diversity of approach but more serious and fundamental differences about the object of knowledge ( despite overlapping of the actual material of study ) ?
10 Given the growing acceptance of the view that education represents the basic condition for future economic success , partnerships are surely well placed within their localities to begin the task of building the structures and confidence necessary to establish education investment banks or funds where there is a professional approach given to venture capital for educational development .
11 The new HACMP/6000 software enables users to choose from three levels or modes of high availability support : in mode 1 , it provides fallover to a back-up idle RS/6000 for quick restart of an application or subsystem if there is a failure with the primary processor .
12 Similarly , you should not just look at the eyes or ears when there may be a problem here .
13 She 'll have to find a path around it either north or south and there 's no path except the ride . ’
14 In many experiments , the entry geometry has involved sharp edges or corners and there was probably a region of separated flow .
15 These will certainly be needed to clear the bowel of candida , but it is also necessary to treat the vagina with fungicidal pessaries , and the intervening skin with cream or ointment if there is to be any chance of success .
16 The mobile ALCAN unit would seem to be most mobile — looking at the background it would appear to be parked outside either Safeway or Gateway as there is a ‘ Y ’ and what appears to be part of an ‘ A ’ visible on the store front !
17 Erm er embarrassment or reticence because there are so many other people erm there , but I think you , you meant more than that did n't you and
18 Second , there is a tendency to opt for dreams rather than direct manifestations or visions when there is any room for doubt in the text of the Gospel .
19 They may be former bankers or miners , students , nurses or printers but there is nothing in their previous experience that is much help in running your own show .
20 Choreographers can make subtle differences between dancing to a waltz , mazurka or polonaise and there are contrasting rhythms to be found in a ¾ time signature .
21 Even Poole , the District 's own Organising Secretary in Norfolk and Norwich , had been asked by a Cambridge Board officer not to go ‘ … into towns or villages where there was or had been Extension work ’ .
22 Those whose ‘ condition is due to improvidence or thriftlessness and there is no hope of being able to make him independent in the future ’ were left to destitution or the Poor Law .
23 Hold a conference in Sheffield , London , or Birmingham and there 's work to be done .
24 This says that is the RHS of the constraint in which is slack variable or zero if there is no such constraint .
25 There was the crusher for grinding the corn and the chaff cutter for chaffing the the the er hay or straw and there was the scrapper .
26 there are , there are very very few who are chasing women or men and there are very very few who are er requiring to be prised out of the bar erm at two o'clock in the morning .
27 Not all threads indicate urethritis , as collections of mucus and the secretions of the various glands can all produce ‘ bits ’ in the urine which may be mistaken for evidence of inflammation or infection if there is no microscopic examination .
28 That you have the full and correct name and address of your debtor ( or debtors if there is more than one ) .
29 This idea has often been ridiculed by anthropologists who point out that there is no record or suggestion that there ever was , or ever could be , a stage of total sharing and total freedom of access by everybody at any time to anything .
30 It did not purport to enlarge the class of persons who might enforce the judgment or order and there was no basis for attributing any such intention or effect .
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