Example sentences of "or [adv] [det] as " in BNC.

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1 When Travis seemed in need of another stiff drink , Sebastian served him liberally and , Travis 's tongue more free than it had ever been , he spoke of his love for Rosemary , his wish to marry her , but how because of her sense of propriety she would n't even let him take her out , or so much as mention her name to his family .
2 This process would continue indefinitely , with reversals taking place at intervals of as little as 100,000 years or as much as one million years , but with the overall result that the compass spent about as much time pointing in one direction as it did in the other .
3 Some undertake this role at a working level by assisting and challenging the business units when they submit their plans ; for example , by questioning why the business units are not competing in a certain way or as much as they should .
4 This had been of something more than philosophical interest to Karen and I in our pre-coital phase , since it meant that we could count on at least a minute thirty seconds before he reappeared , or as much as three minutes forty-five seconds if we heard the seat go down for a big jobby .
5 Under the Local Government Act 1929 it was the positive duty of the local authority to recover the whole of the expenses ( or as much as the person could afford ) .
6 ‘ It 's as much as we know , or as much as the Russians will tell us . ’
7 You can draw as little as £5 or £10 , for your day-to-day needs , or as much as £100 , when you want a larger amount — provided of course you have sufficient in your account .
8 As this study was concerned with preventing death , or as much as 30 years of long term serious disablement , by neurosurgical intervention the effect of this omission is considerable .
9 The Chernobyl accident released 50–100 million curies of radioactivity , according to the official Soviet report , or as much as 287 million curies of radio-isotopes with half-lives greater than one day according to Hohenemser et al.
10 ‘ He has told me all your story , or as much as he knows .
11 ‘ And now , knowing the truth , or as much as I 'm prepared to divulge , will you not stay for the wedding ?
12 Instead , play a punching , running shot , whether 30 yards or as much as 100 yards from the green , and get the ball running up onto the top layer .
13 You can take all in the line or as many as you like but you can not take from more than one line .
14 The quantity and the period for leasing can be perfectly adapted to your needs : whether it is for 10 , 100 or 1000 machines ( or as many as you need ) for 4 , 8 or 12 weeks ( or as long as it is profitable for you ) .
15 With over 100 individual meeting rooms available on campus , we are used to accommodating for as few as 20 or as many as 1,000 delegates .
16 There are over 100 mouth-watering varieties to choose from — buy one or as many as you like — for £23.93 a kilo .
17 It is nothing for 50 trucks of Canadian pea-fed bacon to arrive in one day , or as many as 2,000 barrels of apples .
18 Eight is a very common number for a wind ensemble , but there are occasionally as few as four or as many as 12 .
19 The hunger that made Charlie , Charlot , chew the boiled slices of boot , moustache toing and froing under his nose , I understood as well or as little as the hunger of the grown-ups around me , my mother eating the woodworms along with the oats and the silence as everybody stopped to watch her .
20 Write as many or as little as you can , but be honest ! ’
21 As many or as few as desired .
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