Example sentences of "or [adv] [pron] should " in BNC.

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1 He 's our lead singer , or rather I should say he was .
2 It is true that somebody has to appoint the Chief Inspector as the Lord Chancellor appoints the judges , but other than that there is not , or rather there should not be , any political interest in the functioning of AIB at all .
3 Should it be , ‘ Has it authority in all matters ? ’ , or should one ask a separate question regarding its authority in matters of taxation , or perhaps one should inquire separately concerning its authority in matters of corporate taxation and personal taxation ?
4 Those years had established — or perhaps one should say clarified — his entire political agenda .
5 Obair has also had reservations about private sector developments in West Belfast — or perhaps they should be called public sector developments with a private face .
6 We can see that he had two views of what constitutes a ‘ law ’ , or perhaps we should say that he had two views as to how ‘ laws ’ manifest themselves .
7 Or perhaps we should say , Frenchly baked every day .
8 Enclosure made things more difficult , or perhaps we should say necessitated new and exciting skills , but at least there were no close ranks of trees to make the fences impossible .
9 They might appear there when normal syntax has to be subordinated to the exigencies of poetry ( or perhaps we should say " of unskilful poetry " ) and they may occur postnominally in prose in one or two special constructions .
10 ‘ Be always ready , according to your power to relieve the poor and help the distressed … ’ is a quote from The Rules for the Conduct of Life , a copy of which is given to all new Freemen — or perhaps it should now be Freepersons .
11 One of the most popular demands of ‘ boy labour ’ and other sympathetic reformers , or perhaps it should be described as an aspiration , for that is what it was , referred to the creation of ‘ a satisfactory race of citizens ’ .
12 Or perhaps I should say , ‘ Another of the Black Sumatras has done it ’ — for our three sooty chickens of this exotic breed are indistinguishable from one another , and we can not be sure which of them has excelled itself .
13 Mrs Knelle 's garden — or perhaps I should say ‘ grounds ’ — meandered gently down to the narrow lakeside road .
14 Or perhaps I should say , a player and a half .
15 Or perhaps I should just wait here — perhaps someone 's gone into town to look for me and will come back eventually — ’
16 Or perhaps I should n't have come at all .
17 Or perhaps I should say : she forbore from actually striking .
18 Or perhaps I should not have asked you at all . ’
19 Or perhaps I should say , a story .
20 ‘ We 're working with publishers on customising , or perhaps I should say ‘ Dillonising ’ , point of sale material , ’ said David Mutton of Dillons .
21 Or perhaps I should say she did not trust us with everything she knew .
22 Or perhaps I should n't have said that … ’
23 Or perhaps I should say that Mike went to Bracken Cottage while you and I were in Bruges .
24 But only those who know me very well call me Fen , and I do n't know you from Adam — or perhaps I should say Eve . ’
25 ‘ Good morning , Robbie , ’ he drawled , ‘ or perhaps I should say good afternoon . ’
26 Unions have turned professional , serving their members ' interests in the way that members , or perhaps I should call them customers , demand .
27 Consequently I was very interested to read the article ‘ Tower of Babel ’ by Tania V. Guha ( May/June 1992 ) since I realised that I could now without too much struggle understand most of it , or perhaps I should more truthfully say about 80 per cent of it on first reading .
28 Digital technology has introduced ( or perhaps I should say that it has reintroduced , for the first time since the establishment and dominance of printing ) the unstable , or infinitely variable , text .
29 Or perhaps I should start calling you Stephen — I 'm nearly as old as you are now .
30 The Liberal Democrats are opposed to the basis of this review at national level we believe an opportunity has been missed or perhaps I should say ducked for the common , fair electoral system for which this country is supposedly a signatory .
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