Example sentences of "or [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were exactly the sort you 'd expect to see at this kind of activity : mostly middle-aged or older Americans or Germans in running shoes , with a few earnest Guardian readers thrown in for local colour .
2 Like Irenaeus , Epiphanius condemns the Ebionites or Nazareans for denying the Virgin Birth , teaching that Jesus was a man born of men , declaring that Jesus became Messiah only on his baptism and using alternative versions of the Acts of the Apostles .
3 The debate over the political model claimed most public attention , but the draft also included a controversial anti-subversion clause , added to Article 23 which covered treason , secession and sedition ; this clause prohibited " political organizations and groups in the Hong Kong SAR from establishing contacts with foreign political organizations or groups " and also prohibited " foreign political organizations or groups from carrying out political activities in the Hong Kong SAR " .
4 A number of student ‘ tides ’ were underway which can be seen as forms of adaptive behaviour or strategies for improving their social position , either temporarily or on a more permanent basis .
5 Papers or proposals for leading a workshop are invited from those working in the field .
6 Whether you are a senior executive or an apprentice , whether you work in a city office or a factory , your solicitor can advise you on all the matters mentioned in this leaflet and on many other issues : for example , the consequences of a takeover , merger , or the insolvency of your employer ; part time work and job sharing proposals ; what happens if you are laid off ; deductions from pay ; relocation ; or proposals for changing your terms and conditions of employment .
7 On the other hand , for all I know , it may be one of the compensations or rationalisations for giving yourself short breath , a cough and a foul mouth and for making things unpleasant for other people .
8 Rather there are a variety of perspectives which do share the common emphasis of viewing social behaviour as the product of social arrangements , social forces and conditions , etc. , but which may differ in the relative emphasis which they assign to certain specific factors or variables for explaining that behaviour .
9 Dip the cut end in rooting powder and insert in a hole made with a dibber in pots or trays of rooting compost .
10 There may be areas of the garden which are specially suitable for the patient to work in : he needs to be able to reach the soil with his hands or tools without risking scratching himself on thorny plants or hitting his head or eyes on jutting or overhanging branches .
11 The Minister — this Minister — replied : ’ Warning signals are intended to alert officers to potential difficulties or risks in dealing with the individual .
12 Are there any possibilities or precedents for developing the image and infrastructure of areas such as West Yorkshire , as a means of introducing some modern economic activity at least to parts of the ‘ urban North ’ ?
13 One corner of the Instrumentation and Control Board activities was concerned for weeks or months with grappling with the problem .
14 Years of caring for a sick , disabled or elderly relative , or months of waiting to hear whether a job is to end , cause stress to accumulate in our lives .
15 People of any age can carry the germs for days , weeks or months without becoming ill .
16 These are stars which flare up suddenly from near-invisibility to prominence , remaining bright for a few days , weeks or months before fading again .
17 The dynamic of any pricing systems or ceilings in adjusting or creating the range of care services needed to meet assessed need , together with the importance of client need and social work values being reflected in purchasing strategy .
18 Their best ( fastest ) responses were , however , just as fast as when rested , although the number of slow responses ( or gaps in responding ) increased dramatically after the first five minutes .
19 They may be retained there for days or weeks before swimming up to the top of the tract and fertilising an egg .
20 This meant either working out very accurate tables of the movements of the moon or devising a chronometer which could keep time for a voyage of months or years without relying on a pendulum that would be disturbed by the rolling of the ship .
21 They want to be slim of course , yet after months or years of dieting failure you would think that it was time to stop trying .
22 Normally , increases or reductions in publishing output tend to be undramatic , but in the 1980s the numbers of new titles published annually have gone up very substantially indeed — increases not on the whole matched by additions to library bookfunds .
23 We do not supply electronic components or kits for building the projects featured , this can be supplied by advertisers .
24 We do not supply electronics components or kits for building the projects featured , these can be supplied by advertisers .
26 Measure for measure , the paper is more expensive than if you were to buy full sheets and cut up the paper yourself , but pochettes are good when you want to try different weights or colours without paying for full sheets .
27 Prefers perching on rocks or buoys to resting on water ; piratical in habits , like skuas ( pp. 145 ) .
28 In many situations social workers need to work closely with several members of other disciplines or professions in meeting the needs of elderly people and their families .
29 It argues that good packaging reduces other kinds of waste ( by preventing food from going bad or goods from getting broken in transit , for instance ) .
30 Services that do work to plans tend to be those employing professionally qualified staff , who act as advisers or consultants with regard to pedagogical methods and policy , or provide direct help to youngsters .
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