Example sentences of "or [noun sg] or a " in BNC.

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1 Over other property of an infant , neither parents nor guardians have now — if they ever had — any effective powers , except such as a will or settlement or an order of the court may give them ; they can not , for instance , give a valid receipt for a legacy or money payable to the child .
2 Consider using an object such as a bag or briefcase or a chair to fend off the attacker ( bear in mind the potential difference between fending off and striking with a weapon ) .
3 It can be a real effort to avoid slumping , but the relief of a straight-backed chair that supports the lower back , a pillow in the lap to support sewing or knitting or a lectern for reading is immeasurable .
4 And with a fabulous climate of around 250 days of sun a year , tempered by refreshing sea breezes , this southern shore has become a paradise for those who want not more from a holiday than relaxation or sport or a combination of the two .
5 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
6 death of or bodily injury to any person other than a member of the Policyholders family or household or a person in the employment of the Policyholder
7 death of or injury to any person other than a member of your family or household or an employee
8 A painting is an illusion in a stricter sense than a model or make-up or a stuntperson double .
9 Her antiseptic presence transformed Mr Sunderland 's office into a place where children were condemned not to the cane or detention but to threadworms or impetigo or a terrible weakness of the chest that could only be treated in some distant sanatorium .
10 Detectives working on the case are working on the theory that they died of hypothermia or suffocation or a combination of both .
11 In antiquity , regardless of the metal being joined , soft solder was generally tin or lead or an alloy of the two .
12 It could have been fear or sympathy or irritation or a combination of all three .
13 When was the last time anybody saw hand towels or soap or a bog roll ?
14 These orders for observation or treatment were made either on the recommendation of two medical practitioners or , in the case of an emergency order , on the initiative of a relative or friend or a mental welfare officer with the backing of only one doctor .
15 Although Rule 2.3 does not say so , it is thought that a potential offeror ought not to have the responsibility for making an announcement before the target 's board is approached if rumour or speculation or an untoward price movement arises because the target 's board itself seeks potential offerors , or a shareholder seeks a purchaser for an interest of 30 per cent or more .
16 This may be a simple change of typeface or emphasis or a complete restructuring of the document from single to multiple column .
17 Whether you prefer to sell 100% for an immediate cash payment or to receive a smaller upfront payment and a deferred payment , determined by an earnout or retention or a minority stake with a pre-arranged exit .
18 Such figures may come to have their independent existence either as an archetype of a particular characteristic or quality or an inhabitant of that shadowy half-world where real and unreal live in harmony .
19 Starting to offer drinks in teacher beakers or on a spoon , encouraging thumb or finger sucking , cuddling a doll or teddy or a piece of clothing are all good alternatives .
20 Write down examples of when you last ( i ) went to the cinema or theatre or a sporting event ( ii ) had some friends round for the evening ( iii ) had a holiday away from home ( iv ) played a game of some kind ( v ) read a book for fun
21 If I were to die , she thought , there is nobody to find me , perhaps for days and weeks , for we do not have visitors , and my mother would die too , of fright or starvation or a broken limb , after her voice gave out in screaming , and she tried to struggle from the bed .
22 An exceptional letter ( wielding wit or thought or a new stance on an ageing issue ) will not only win that automatic free year 's Letter Of The Month subscription , but an array of mystery merchandise at which to marvel .
23 we must no longer say that the self perceives , thinks , or loves , or that it has a perception or thought or an emotion .
24 As Afshan Begum explains in her thesis ‘ In many cases parents expect that the girl will , whenever they demand , give up everything ( e.g. a course in further education or training or a career ) and submit without question to a marriage they have arranged for her … these hidden cases which no one gets to hear about are the real tragedies . ’
25 In this , the offeror must be represented by an authorised issuing house or broker or an authorised credit institution ; this is a useful step towards enforcing compliance and follows existing UK practice .
26 Such programs may be for application of load , extension or strain or a combination of these .
27 It is to provide those concerned in the treatment with a defence to a criminal charge of assault or battery or a civil claim for damages for trespass to the person .
28 Whether your delicatessen is part of a hypermarket or superstore or a tiny shop packed with delights from around the world , this book will help you to explore the potential of the exciting variety of foods available on the shelves .
29 Almost every town contains treasures from this region 's rich and noble past — perhaps a lovely della Robbia plaque , some outstanding fresco or painting or a fine piece of sculpture .
30 In a few instances the loss of someone close can propel the survivor into an overwhelming emotional whirlpool that can not be contained without expert help or hospitalization or treatment or a combination of all of these .
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