Example sentences of "that can [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With Golding , exceptionally , that can mean a long backward glance into history or even prehistory — to the world of lost innocence of Neanderthal man in The Inheritors , or to the pre-industrial world of the sailing ship in the Tarpaulin trilogy .
2 that can pay the rent .
3 Johnson himself concluded that ‘ Raasay has little that can detain a traveller , except the laird and his family ’ ; and in their ‘ feat of hospitality ’ he found a ‘ delightful contrariety of images .
4 Happily , with some strong thigh 'd bargemen ; Or one o'th' wood-yard , that can quoit the sledge Or toss the bar , or else some lovely squire That carries coals up to her privy lodgings … .
5 Conventional welding gives you a very large heat affected zone and that can distort the material or alter its properties in some way and potentially damage or weaken a structure .
6 We know each other 's pain and that can forge a friendship .
7 This is another good reason for working samples before starting the actual garment , you will be able to tell whether you need to pick up the laddered stitches or not and that can make a big difference to the overall tension .
8 No statutory formula has been found that can make a provision judge-proof , in the sense of inducing the courts to accept it as excluding all opportunity for review , not even providing that a decision ‘ shall not be called in question in any court of law ’ .
9 In the current climate Take That can do no wrong , but they are acutely aware that their success may not last forever .
10 ‘ It 's good that there is competition among the strikers — that can do no harm . ’
11 ‘ It 's good that there is competition among the strikers ; that can do no harm . ’
12 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
13 That can generate a lot of waste .
14 A flexible array of services is called for that can meet the very varied needs of different groups of the mentally ill .
15 Human attributes these , that can fuel the mightiest of tragedies .
16 Although microchips give machines only a smidgen of intelligence , that can go a long way when sensibly applied by human masters .
17 When attacking , it protrudes its long snout , and as it pushes it against the flesh of its enemy it fires a small , venom-carrying harpoon — a hollow dart formed from a tooth — that can kill a human being within a few hours .
18 One important dietary component , that can have a powerful effect on both mind and body , is caffeine .
19 .. that can provide a unifying framework within which policy can be elaborated and a link to Labour 's historical principles be maintained . ’
20 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
21 But there are several small highly competent organisations , operating on a regional basis , that can provide the necessary level of service .
22 Surprising though cause normally a place like that can need a car
23 What about some sort of sticker that she gets that can use the use of her period of time another idea to around .
24 I think it will affect working women , or in fact anybody working , both directly and indirectly , and in fact the whole public indirectly , in that that sort of facility , to be able to shop , as it were , at home , will be extremely convenient and so will a facility that reminds you when things are due — a sort of , you know , household secretary really that can keep a check .
25 For instance erm if you 're communicating via a typewriter , there are various common mistakes which can arise out of the fact that two keys are close together , and so you 've hit one key when you meant the other , and knowing that can help the computer to work out what you intended .
26 The danger of rewarding people through status is that status becomes an end in itself , And that can put an end to an organization .
27 If you suspect a gas leak at any time , do not strike a match or even turn on the electric light , as that can produce a minute spark that can cause an explosion .
28 They do n't have the cash to finance the rebuilding of the side and that can become a vicious circle : poor results , lower crowds , less revenue .
29 Your local council can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home , and that can include a grant for making your home warmer .
30 Incredibly there are animals , such as the pit viper , that can see the infra-red part of the spectrum .
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