Example sentences of "that is [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 A geographical area to work in if that is appropriate and it does not interfere with existing house-to-house and street collections .
2 Erm certainly there are other er comments and statements that have been through the year which er should and has caused us to look at our procedures and to erm make changes where that is appropriate and I would hope that er we would continue to do so .
3 The same anonymous writer who heard Spurgeon in 1884 went across the river to the City Temple but again was not complimentary : ‘ If you can forgive a bad delivery with occasional dropping of aspirates , and the incessant introduction of Gladstonian politics in connection with holy things , you will find in Dr Parker 's sermons much that is impressive and certainly a great deal that is novel . ’
4 Those unhappy with the " confessional " model , mostly in its Christian form , have over the years sought to escape from the dilemma — unconsciously or consciously — by subtracting from the equation of RE all that is controversial and likely to cause trouble .
5 Do n't apologise ; I think that is fantastic and I hope — I pray — I am able to enjoy a similar style of retirement .
6 We eat with our fingers — they think that is dirty and disgusting .
7 They need a sympathetic response , that is understandable and starts at the beginning .
8 That is critical and I am delighted that it has found its way into the treaty with powerful German support .
9 Angus Cameron stood up on the oak stump which Donald used as a chopping-block , held out his hand to each part of the crowd as though drawing them into the circuit of the ceremony , and said , at first quietly , then gaining volume as he felt the truth of his words : ‘ Alexander McLaggan , Mary Stewart — you love each other , and must wed each other , and that is right and good .
10 According to the MRE , that is right and oaf is a powerful though mysterious germicide , thought to be , perhaps , a combination of ozone and olefins that was the conjecture at the time of my notes , any way .
11 That is right and that is why we oppose so many elements in the social charter .
12 That is right and that is why we have pressed energetically for almost two years for the association agreements , which include trade and political discussions , with Poland , with Hungary and with Czechoslovakia .
13 Your circulation to that is poor and that wants looking at quite urgently .
14 Likewise the case examples , though few in number , offer much that is rich and rewarding for practice .
15 The Rural Wales Awards , sponsored by National Westminster Bank , can be given by the county branches of CPRW for practically anything that promotes environmental good practice , or displays design that is in harmony with the landscape , or that has served to restore an important landscape feature ( natural or man-made ) , or that is innovative or promotes better environmental awareness and understanding .
16 For its part , pluralism adopts a restricted frame of reference and takes too much for granted so that it skates on the surface of political life and only deals with the politics of participation and the politics of satisfaction to the detriment of any consideration of other less " obvious " things : there is little that is deep and illuminating about the pluralist perspective and crucial concerns are ignored as irrelevant to politics : pluralism is less wrong than limited .
17 Despite his claim that he does not make things into ideas but only ideas into things , the feeling remains , as , in effect , Berkeley concedes , that ‘ all that is real and substantial … is banished out of the world ’ , and that everything has been made into ‘ so many chimeras and illusions on the fancy ’ .
18 The uneasy feeling that , despite his claim to make things out of ideas , Berkeley has ‘ banished all that is real and substantial out of the world ’ , can be articulated by suggesting that , whatever philosophers might want to say about ‘ real things ’ , common sense will want to speak about them in ways which , at least at first sight , are not licensed by their being constructed out of ideas .
19 What I need is a New Testament Christianity that speaks to the modern man that I am now ; a faith , in short , that is real and challenging to modernity .
20 Transatlantic tourists and suburban groupies may be willing to fork out the £1 cover charge for sporadic glimpses of Michael Caine and Jason Donovan , but grown-ups are kept loyal by cooking that is honest and robust and hardly ever hiccups in spite of turning over almost as many portions as Ramsden 's .
21 The third edition , to be published in 1991 contains much that is new or refined from the second , but it is written wholly within the plate tectonic theoretical framework , and reveals no paradigm change from the second edition .
22 In the process of acquiring , indexing , organizing and exchanging this sometimes considerable amount of information and material , clearinghouse personnel see much that is good and bad , and with difficulty can they avoid making assessments and judgements .
23 With all that is good and kind .
24 Reportedly it can also learn from the translator 's work and repeat phrasing used earlier , distinguishing between wording that is similar but not identical .
25 Significantly , the Biblical picture of the Church perfected in heaven is of the outward beauty of a bride adorned for her husband , a beauty symbolising all that is pure and wholesome ( cf.
26 So , despite much that is progressive and encouraging in psychiatric hospital provision , there is still much room for improvement .
27 ‘ The problem of women is all that is marvellous and troubling in the world ’ sighed Andre Breton in the second Surrealist manifesto of 1929 ; and just as the predominantly male membership saw woman as their muse , the fueller of their fantasies and liberators of their imaginations , so they used her body as a vessel and vehicle for their wildest and often dark plumbings of the subconscious .
28 We think that that is insulting and humiliating .
29 If some children find that the gospels contain truth , then that is well and good .
30 This is something else , that is alive and I 've suggested at least two answers are possible .
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