Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that it has only been considered in the context of people of opposite sex ; but that may be primarily because its materialist aspect was developed to regulate the consequences of such unions .
2 RAF Swinderby was ‘ contractorised ’ as far back as the 1960s because the ending of National Service led to a shortage of cooks and stewards and now ther are probably about a score of units which work a mainly 9–5 day , or where the numbers are fairly small , that may be most suitable for ‘ contractorising ’ .
3 The ability to formulate original thoughts , as well as the opportunity to put these into effect , both demand several other qualities , personal as well as situational , that may be partially or completely independent of those that might be ascribable to ‘ psychotic ’ modes of thinking .
4 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
5 That may be just as well , but it may not last .
6 That may be professionally cute but it will not have people talking up the industry in Bewley 's .
7 That may be more difficult , but it is ultimately more likely to lead to a cleaner world .
8 That may be only a symbol , but it is an important one .
9 That may be very good news for the people of South Yorkshire who are below the age of sixty five , but I do n't think it 's realistic .
10 When s3 is read together with s13 , it appears that that may be very wide indeed .
11 Now , that may be very idealistic and it 's obviously not all retired or old people who 've got a lot of wisdom unless you want to tell their stories .
12 All of that may be so .
13 That may be so , but it may be suggested that as much depends on the surrounding legal rules as on the mandatory penalty .
14 The judge replies : ‘ That may be so , Mr Arbuthnot .
15 That may be so .
16 That may be so , but when I first knew them there had been radical changes .
17 That may be so , but while a quarter of the public does not have complete confidence in the police that code can not be said to be working .
18 That may be so , but it does not prevent people in our field from continually falling into the error of supposing that a solution designed to match one problem must be applicable to quite a different problem as well .
19 That may be so , but he canna do a thing to help himself .
20 That may be so .
21 The commission would say that these are precisely the goals of its present research programmes ; that may be so , but the reality is different .
22 That may be so ; but on the other hand , if the plaintiff 's contention is correct , the solicitor may abstain from delivering his bill for 20 years , and then at the end of that time he may deliver it and sue after the expiration of a month from its delivery .
23 " All that may be so , but you do n't know Andrew Stavanger , and I do .
24 That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970 , and made only a brief comeback as a Khmer Rouge figurehead in 1976 .
25 That may be so Chairman , but with these two four bedroom houses there could be another six to eight cars coming out of that entrance ,
26 That may be too optimistic , since directors facing competing offers might well be influenced by the fact that one offer comes from their mates .
27 That may be too sudden a verdict , but if such tours are to continue and flourish then the background planning must be much more evenly balanced .
28 That may be too ambitious , but other stores ( including Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy 's ) are also looking at starting TV shopping services .
29 which I mean even that may be too big for what we want .
30 If they are doing purely local journeys , then that may be too much and they may prefer to use the Oxford ringroad , but if they are doing long-distance journeys ten miles is not a very significant addition to their journey in length and the congestion on the Oxford ringroad is such that it may actually be shorter in time terms to go the longer way round in distance .
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