Example sentences of "that [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 I heard Ryan coming on a good wee bit behind him , but this , up that path like , I says to if that wee fella fell off that bike he 's killed .
2 That afternoon he had published his plan of attack , now known to every man in the ranks .
3 When he walked through the factory gates that afternoon he 'd walked away from everything .
4 Even at that hour he had an alert look , as aura of controlled energy .
5 Before he left for his six weeks stay in Swindon that spring he had first called her ‘ sweet ’ , she recalled four months later , ‘ in the little passage , near the willows , near the farm ’ on Wandsworth Common .
6 In the spring of 1648 , when the Second Civil War broke out in accordance with this plan , many of the principal officers of the Parliamentary Army , furious at the King 's conduct in deceiving them and plunging the nation into an unnecessary war , solemnly undertook ‘ to call Charles Stuart , that man of blood , to an account for that blood he had shed , and mischief he had done to his utmost , against the Lord 's cause and people in these poor nations ’ .
7 All round that side he 's got bare bum .
8 ‘ Not since that injection he had an hour ago . ’
9 Banging that basket he had they have , Erm and er the er used to go there er and there was a boil or was it er er an old fashioned I do n't know .
10 Part way through that exercise he had to go into the storeroom to check a detail regarding the number of the machine which had been selected .
11 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
12 During that period he had co-operated closely with the government in the war against the French and in the subsequent peace .
13 Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that since the beginning of the recession unemployment in Wales has increased by more than 38,000 , and that during that period he has brought forward not one new policy to help the economy ?
14 In that moment he had made up his mind .
15 From that moment he had had respect for Blanche : he knew it took a rare combination of self-confidence and courage to admit she had been wrong .
16 Until that moment he had not felt uncomfortable exposing his face , or even certain parts of his body , in the company of the other Ixmaritians in the house .
17 But , as is so often the case in the Army , that was not the end of the day : from 1930 to 2130 that evening he had agreed to referee a boxing competition between two local regiments .
18 And as his fingers clasped hers , a strange sensation had shot through her , as though with that handshake he had branded her forever .
19 Somewhere along that hedge he had last been seen , and by her .
20 Gerry Boden had last been seen alive strolling negligently along the garden hedge , and somewhere along the course of that hedge he had vanished .
21 That night he had reached a moment of feeling no-one else had , and his cigarette burned unnoticed in the fingers of his hands which stretched out parallel like mute ghosts .
22 It had struck her that perhaps that was where Jake had been going that night he 'd called her from Heathrow Airport — on a secret brief honeymoon with Janice after a quick , quiet register office wedding .
23 On that occasion he had made a case both for a tutor-organiser to increase provision for trade unionist students and also for one to develop work in the New Towns of Harlow , Stevenage , Hemel Hempstead and Hatfield .
24 On that occasion he had been ten years old As children between the wars , Yanto and his friends spent most of their Summers out in the estuary between tides .
25 On that occasion he had a special reason — though an odd one — for his refusal : he was fully occupied with the duty of defence which had been entrusted to him by the king .
26 On that occasion he had been treated with a degree of courtesy not far short of deference and he had subconsciously expected the same of his interview with Chief Inspector Golding .
27 Mr Bresslaw had collapsed once before , in October last year , and on that occasion he had to be carried on a stretcher out of a show business dinner .
28 He never really recovered from that setback he had . ’
29 Throughout that decade he had complained of overcrowding at the workhouse , particularly of elderly women .
30 In his next letter Leslie told me that on that day he had been assigned ‘ a rather painful duty … from 4 o'clock this afternoon for 24 hours I am escort to an officer under close arrest , a captain , I believe .
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