Example sentences of "that [indef pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After that everyone went to bed , but nobody slept .
2 I expect that everyone came to church here , this evening because they knew that it was a communion Sunday , and the sacrament of Holy Communion would be celebrated here this evening .
3 and they revolt against it and you 've just got ta keep your fingers crossed that nothing happens to them in that period .
4 What is to be understood as happening is perhaps that , given that someone wants to be Christian , she as a feminist will look for what female representation there may be in the religion , whether or not this is fully satisfactory .
5 SHe could n't understand Tammuz' mania for disguise , given that nobody knew about what he had discovered , except for his friends below .
6 Because if , on matters seemingly of great importance for mankind , different people can entertain with great conviction radically conflicting beliefs , it strongly suggests that nobody really knows what they are talking about , and that the confidence of all of them is misplaced , and perhaps that nobody knows upon what general principles one ought to settle questions of these kinds .
7 That if you like , er , and I 've used this example before but I 'll use it again , it was quite interesting I think anyway , is that one of the examples we used on one of courses , is that somebody calls into the depot and says , I need help , I 've got to get this delivered by tomorrow and collections or you or whoever takes the call , is very excited because this person says it 's three hundred and fifty kilos and I need it today , it 's Durham , we 'll use Durham , we 're starting from here , in Durham tomorrow morning .
8 Was that something moving near me ?
9 ‘ Is n't that something to do with — ’
10 Had that something to do with the traffic commissioners or with the Department of Trade and Industry ?
11 That one sounds to me like an archetypal priest , ’ said Dhani .
12 And Jenny just talking about , you know , well you know it was the sort of stuff that one talks about .
13 Thomas said : ‘ If we go into that one cast as the sacrificial lambs , we wo n't mind .
14 Okay , and that one happens to be Ethel Bethel .
15 Erm And I use that one to go onto a new line do n't I ?
16 I think the other thing about the response that one gets in the college I think there are really two problems here .
17 Yours is one case I will always remember not for the large number of witnesses , but for the meeting of a man who right from the first impressed his lawyers with his innocence a conviction that grew and grew the more that one went into the case and met the many people who knew Andy Beattie so well . ’
18 That one went into another sack .
19 There is perhaps no better illustration of Cathy 's ability to seize her chances than that one attaching to one of her practice sessions at Jack Nicklaus ' Muirfield Village , the club where her husband is the head professional .
20 I do n't know how that one got in there .
21 That one goes to Mrs
22 Here is Tufnell coming up again , bowls over and outside the off stump , and that one goes to Robin Smith , and he 's hit somewhere on the boot and ricochets off down the pitch .
23 That one yeah that one goes in the pink in the pink .
24 to Mrs , that one goes in there , that 's right
25 That one goes in number two , does n't it ?
26 I thought she was really very nice and my opinion was formed from that one meeting with her by pure accident .
27 And that one came with this
28 It did not occur to her to strip her bed down and change the sheets , or even to pull them back to see if there were any more where that one came from .
29 ‘ And there 's more where that one came from . ’
30 Cos that 's where that one came from .
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