Example sentences of "that [is] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in this sense , when we liberate South Africa we will also create , we hope a state in the world which will become foremost in fighting racism all over the world and at the lower level our community based organizations our non-governmental organizations that have across colour built up structures to move communities forward if our friends in Eastern Europe and elsewhere could see how that is done at grass roots level in the hell of racism as I say they would have a lot to learn .
2 That is done through the planning system and the fact that appeals are heard not by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State but by the Department of the Environment .
3 Whether that is done on the basis of relying on the goodwill of the people in private care or whether it is done through regulation is something that 1 ) we have to decide our preference on and 2 ) we have to lobby government quite hard on .
4 Nonetheless great as the good is that is done to other people , always it is the giver that is the greatest gainer .
5 Process comprises all that is done to the patient with these resources , both clinically ( diagnostic and therapeutic procedures ) and nonclinically ( nursing care , " hotel " services , etc ) .
6 I certainly do yes , but the ma the majority of that is done by traffic police , by traffic police .
7 That is done by considering a case in which a passenger can be held equally liable even though he sought to avoid being identified with the aggravated crime .
8 Okay , I think the suggestion is , is that , that we identify er , er , homes within the east of the county and that is done by the P A G , is there any dissent from that ?
9 Alongside the excellent chaplaincy work that is done in prisons there are many admirable charities which deal with the care and rehabilitation of offenders .
10 This in turn underpins the move to decentralised care and the stripping away of much that is done in acute hospitals today .
11 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
12 And just one final word of warning , and that is to do with newspapers .
13 Yeah the other thing on staffing tt which is a related , but in a sense I 'm trying to keep it as something of a separate issue , and that is to do with the amount of management time .
14 There 's a higher revised estimate , and a higher original estimate for next year , er , that is to do with charging C C to the probation committee , erm , which previously was er , ex excluded , and that is er , of course subjected within the the probation committee cash limit and eighty per cent grant is payable on any sums within that .
15 That is just so shit but a lot of that is to do with the fa is A the whole of Aston disaffiliated from the Guild , from the N U S ?
16 Whether that 's done by saying things or not is immaterial .
17 You do n't negotiate who much that 's done by the marketing group .
18 Well on the , on the whole-time manned stations , that 's done by pressing a button and , and an alarm is sounded , it 's er a horn , type of horn that sounds off , er that 's easy enough .
19 It 's like everything else that 's done by hand it 's Aha .
20 Look fella , you 're gon na have to go and learn that how that 's done by here .
21 You see beautiful girls all the time , and you say to yourself , that 's not real , that 's to do with lighting , make-up , good photography .
22 And that might seem a rather odd way to actually spend some of your redundancy money , but perhaps this leads us on to another area influencing the demand , and that 's to do with , if you like , psychology .
23 Now when they 're born there wo n't be any problems at all and that 's to do with the way they feed before they 're born , how 's a baby fed before it 's born ?
24 Fossils , that 's really palaeotology , that 's to do with dinosaurs and that kind of thing .
25 Well that 's really not our problem I mean that 's to do with the deregularization of er bus companies allowing any anybody to start up a bus company .
26 No that 's that 's to do with the sun .
27 No that 's to do with item number nine , er sorry item seven .
28 We talk about the butterflies and that that 's to do with this this effect of the the adrenalin in the system .
29 I mean , er , you know what that 's to do with do n't you ?
30 That 's to do with canoeing ?
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